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Anti-corruption education is associated with

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Anti-corruption education is associated with a specific field of legal science and practice, as the operational-search activity.

Operatively-search activity - it is a special kind of activity that is carried out openly or secretly by the operational-search activities. The use of secret that is hidden, undercover, secret, secret ways to get relevant information quickly, and allows you to install mechanisms to prove the commission of corruption offenses. For example, the use of secret audio and video recordings can be the basis for establishing the exact time, place, participants receive - transmit bribes.

Anti-corruption education is related to administrative law.
Administrative law - a branch of law that regulates the social relations arising in the process of organizational and executive and administrative activities of governments.

An administrative offense or a misdemeanor - is encroaching into the state or public order, property rights and freedom of citizens, the established order

of management wrongful guilty (ing intentional or reckless) action or inaction for which the law provides for administrative responsibility*.

The Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offences (adopted July 5, 2014, №235-V SAM) provides an independent Chapter 34, entitled "Administrative corruption offenses." Signs of an administrative offense, the type of legal liability are regulated in Articles 676-681 CRK AO.

Anti-corruption education is connected with
labor law.
Employment law - the branch of law that regulates the work of employees, that is, work that is unrelated to the activities of persons holding elective office or performing general public functions. Labor law regulates the relations of workers and employees with the employer, on whose behalf the administration of the employer **.

For example, the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the Customs Code) contains an article 240-1, entitled "The limitation related to the stay on the job in state-owned enterprises on the right of business, national companies and their subsidiaries." According to it it is prohibited to take a position, related to the performance of administrative functions, persons who committed corruption offense.


*См.: Большой юридический словарь. – М.:ИНФРА. – М., 2002. - С.17.
**См: Там же, С.634.

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