2. Развитие городов как введение в тему

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The technosphere which is the artificial shell of the Earth can

1. The technosphere, being a complex system, contains entire regions, urban agglomerations, industrial zones, industrial and domestic environments. The new technospheric conditions include the living conditions of people in cities and industrial centers, production, transport and life.

2. Развитие городов как введение в тему
I would like to start in general with the development of urban areas. The formation of cities began about 10-12 thousand years ago. One of the first permanent settlements were the cities of Damascus and Jericho. Initially, people here were engaged in agriculture and hunting. Gradually, a large-scale division of labor arose in the cities.

3. One of the first ancient cities, the most technically developed was Rome. Buildings and structures, artificially created sewer channels, thermal baths and other aspects of a comfortable social life attracted people from all over the world. Living in cities, a person was enjoyed with the benefits of civilization, in connection with which life expectancy and the level of medicine and nutrition increased, which is the basis for the technospherization of cities as a whole.

4. Что вообще конкретно предполагает техносферизация городов на примере города Токио
To date, Tokyo is the most developed technological city. It contains all the innovations of human development. Robotic transportation, the replacement of human labor by artificial intelligence and robots, all this is inside Tokyo. The main goal of Tokyo today is to create an "ideal" city in which the human society will stop thinking about problems and live in the comfort created with the help of technology.

Плюсы и минусы техносферизации планеты Земля
You can see the main advantages and disadvantages of technospherization on the slide.
The role of technospherization in the development of cities is great. However, in the technosphere-urban society, the importance of folk and cultural traditions and human values is lost, their place is taken by the values of virtual reality, which often negatively affects human relations.
A dangerous consequence of the technospherization is the priority of consumerism. The structure of the internal value of a human consumer includes the priority of prestige: an expensive car, a cell phone. And such a person begins to value himself not for his personal achievements, but for the fact that he has fashionable things.
The principle of humanism and social justice of society is also being lost.
The technical process is associated with the depletion of natural resources, which is already a global problem.
Only the rational use of technosphere innovations can save society and make it better.

In conclusion, I note that the city is not just a territory, but also people and their individuality. The technosphere-urban society is a society of the future where the digitalization of the world becomes the primary basis of life.
The human society of the future must understand that, despite the inevitability of the development of technology and the simplification of life, we must not forget about humanity and justice both to the world around us and to the person as a whole.

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