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Materials and methods:
Sample of 40 people (households) with 10 samples in each two 
urban and two rural areas were surveyed. 
The basic unit of survey household, was selected based 
on systematic random sampling method. The selected participant was interviewed in a series of 
Yes/No questions that were recorded in the questionnaire designed for the study. Depending on 
the location of the household/village, the sample i
s classified as urban or rural. According to age, 
the samples were divided into age groups 17-30, 31-50, 51 and older. By occupation, the samples 
were divided into public, private, self-employed, homemakers and other professional groups.
Four villages of U
daipur Rajasthan namely Kherwara, Salumbar Urban, Jhadol and 
Gogunda for the rural sample were selected for the survey. Regions were selected based on 
vulnerability and proximity to the Covid 19 pandemic, which are located different at parts of 
Udaipur. 62
.5% of the total number of people interviewed knew about the application and 52.5% 
of them downloaded App to their mobile phones. Awareness higher in urban areas 70% and in 
rural areas - 
55 % percentage of people who downloaded among people who knew about 
the app 
in the city, 85.8, in the rural it was 90%. By the age group the total sample size of 40, maximum 
number sample falls into age group 31-
50 (24) of which 13 (54.2%) 
are aware about applications 
and downloaded App, the age group 17-
30 (25%) the app awareness and downloading is 60% and 
67% respectively. In the age group 51 and above, which is 15% of sample awareness and 
downloading 66.66% and 75% respectively. On the basis of gender app awareness more or less 
the same i.e. 67 - 
50 %, while the downloading the app 90% higher among men than women 
- 60 
Awareness and downloading app by professions wise shows that most of them 
government servants, employees of private institutions and retired peoples
. On the basis of source 
of awareness “Aarogya Se
tu app” information has maximum reach to people by SMS (35.3%), 
the next largest source is from the place of work and by friends.
A significant part of people know about the application, but not aware of its 
significance and hence they did not download it. Downloads are mainly related to workplace 
instructions and SMS from the service providers. The use of high technologies such as Bluetooth, 
location tracking, mobile data, etc., has its own consequences of using the Application. 
Out o
f 40 people interviewed
in four villages located in four different parts of 
Udaipur, 25 (62.5%) knew about the application, and among them 21 (52.5%) of them 
downloaded the app. the app awareness rate among urban is 70% which is higher than rural 55%, 
ining urban and rural areas, awareness rate is 62.5%. And 52.5% of the total number of 
interviewed people, i.e.21 of 40 downloaded app in their mobile.

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