Алматы облысы, Еңбекшіқазақ ауданы «Бөлек батыр атындағы орта мектеп» кмм “Language is my support, my beating heart

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Алматы облысы, Еңбекшіқазақ ауданы
«Бөлек батыр атындағы орта мектеп» КММ
Language is my support, my beating heart"
My native language is an inextricably rich, rich and powerful language. The main thing that I can understand is my native language! This is the most exciting, the most expensive language for me with my own birth. Poet S. Toraigyrov native language:
Сүйемін туған тілді – анам тілін,
Бесікте жатқанымда-ақ берген білім.
Шыр етіп жерге түскен минутымнан,
Құлағыма сіңірген таныс үнін, he said.
My native language is predkov, which is such an invaluable legacy. It means that every person should protect their native language, protect it from dust. I see a lot of those who speak in their native language, mixing it with other languages. And even when I look at the native language with contempt and shame, I am ashamed to say that in the head of the famous Russian writer K. G. Paustovsky: "a person who does not regret the native language is a nation."
The native language is the criterion of AR. If this is so, it does not mean that you have a desire. The best person is Rust, who cherishes his native language. This does not help you to support another language, it brings you to the right, to the true patriotism. The ability to penetrate deep into the native language is the first long of a young person who wants to become a knowledgeable person. It means to Love Your Homeland, your country, your beloved homeland. Poet-poet M. Makatayev in the spontaneity of"Otan":
I love her night, I love her day
I love the flowers, the mountains.
I love his holy language
I love his all-encompassing tone-it means, love the native language, love the native language-this is the all-pervading feeling.
My country is multinational Kazakhstan. For the most part, nationality lives a friendly life, as born from one matter. I am proud that Kazakhstan has peace and unity, cooperation and friendship between peoples. This is due to the wise policy, wise thoughts of our President Nursultan Nazarbayev. Thanks to the leader of the nation, who leads our country to the bright future, we, the Kazakh country, will leave mangilik El.
"In the address of the head of State N. Nazarbayev" "Kazakhstan-2050"": ""single purpose,single interests,single future ""says: "" now there is one truth that cannot be changed!" Our native language was an eternal language together with our Mangilik El. It is necessary to understand that this is not a subject of spores, but a bone of the nation. In order for our language to be used in all systems of the state, we must take care of itself and participate in it." I always believe in the ability of the Kazakh language – one of the most rich and beautiful languages of the world. Language is the power of our unity, the national wealth of our people.
Now the head of state is obliged to know three languages. In the future, this will be a big problem. I think that if a person knows another language, he is spiritually rich. Because this language is known as a culture, the traditions of another people, through the study of another language, its knowledge is expanded. So I call my contemporaries, as the poet K. Myrzaliyev said: "Know Your Language,know another language, first of all, respect your native language and everything:
After all, we will never forget that the fate of a language is the fate of a country. The language sung by our poets and writers-Kazakh, remains the eternal language of Mangilik El!
Toleshova Aigerim

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