Английский язык Пособие для поступающих в магистратуру, докторантуру, резидентуру и адъюнктуру

Text 3 According to the text. Find the antonym to the word to survive.to die

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Magistr 2008-2018 (копия)

Text 3
According to the text. Find the antonym to the word to survive.to die
Find the synonym for the word «delicious”A) tasty
Find the synonym for the word «to go down” (plane)to crash
Find the word that is NOT the synonym to the word «to involve.to break
How long has she been doing her job?B) about 11 years
Is Lara involved with anyone at the moment?D) She isn’t seeing anyone
What does it mean «to be in shape”to look good
What does Lara consider is the reason of her success? A) She has never let anything stand in her way
What does Lara do in her spare time?A) cleaning her guns
What is the Lara Croft’s weigh?A) 57.2 kilos
What sort of car does she drive?D) old Land Rover
What was Lara’s first adventure?' A) getting to civilization when her plane went down
What’s Lara’s dream? to ski down Everest with Brian Blessed
Why is she looking so good?C) She needs to keep in shape for her job

Text 4
How is the course titled?C) Dawn of Opportunity
How much experience do you need for taking part at the sessions?D) 3 years
The aim of the programme is to give young people help in...B) setting up their own business
The price of the course is ...A) $200
The problem raised in the article is directed to,..young businessmen
To take part at the seminar you must have...E) business idea that you want to develop
What is meant by «toolkit”? A) basic skills to set up business
What will Vimmi Singh do at the seminars?' D) conduct the workshops
When will the course take place?in October and November
Who organized this seminar?C) commercial institute
Слушание 2010

Текст 1
China, Russia Win Top Results in Physics Olympiad in Iran
This is the VOA Special English Education Report.
More than three hundred secondary school students competed in the thirty-eighth International Physics Olympiad last month in Iran. They came from seventy-three countries, including the United States.
Students from China had the top results: four gold medals and one silver. Russia was second with three gold, one silver and one honorable mention.
Next came the United States and South Korea. Each team brought home two gold medals and three silver medals. And the teams from Iran and Japan had two gold, two silver and one bronze medal each.
The ten-day Olympiad took place in the ancient city of Isfahan. There were written examinations and laboratory experiments as well as discussion meetings.
And there was news of the death in Isfahan of the president of the International Physics Olympiad. Waldemar Gorzkowski was sixty-seven years old. The Iranian Students News Agency said he died of a heart attack. He led the Olympiad for many years.
The physics competition is one of the International Science Olympiads held around the world.
The American Association of Physics Teachers and the American Institute of Physics choose members of the United States team. Physics teachers across the country nominate students and committees choose about two hundred of them. The students take additional tests to choose the twenty-four members of the team.
In May the members attend the United States Physics Team Training Camp at the University of Maryland. They go through nine days of intensive studying, testing and problem solving. At the end of the camp, five members of the team are chosen to travel to the Olympiad.
The five this year were Kenan Diab of Ohio, Rui Hu of Delaware, Jenny Kwan from California, Jason LaRue of Florida and Haofei Wei from Oklahoma. All five won medals.
The first International Physics Olympiad took place in Warsaw, Poland, in nineteen sixty-seven. Until the early nineteen eighties it was held only in the former communist countries of eastern Europe. The United States organized a team for the first time in nineteen eighty-six.
And that's the VOA Special English Education Report, written by Nancy Steinbach. To learn about the American education system, go to voaspecialenglish.com where you can find transcripts and archives of our reports. I'm Steve Ember.
How many countries did in the Olympiad participate?seventy-three
How many days did the Olympiad last? ten
How many students did in the thirty-eighth International Physics Olympiad compete?More than three hundred
How old was the president of the International Physics Olympiad?sixty-seven years old
What countries took the third place?the United States and South Korea
What students did in the thirty-eighth International Physics Olympiad compete?secondary school students
What was the name of the city where the Olympiad took place? Isfahan
When did the thirty-eighth International Physics Olympiad take place?last month
Where did the thirty-eighth International Physics Olympiad take place?in Iran

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