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Magistr 2008-2018 (копия)

Слушание 2009

Text 1
According Chris’s story, what feeling did the man who had come from the prison have?D) He looked as everyday
According to the context: What is the synonym to the word «to annoy”to irritate
According to the text: What do people usually think about punks?it is just fashion
Find the definition to the word «newsflash” short urgent report
Find the proper word from the text according to the definition: «something that has happened, some occurrence”.event
How did Debra learn about this event?From newsflash
How many hours a day she used to take just getting dressed?»B) Four hours
What Alex wanted to see very much?flight to the moon
What did he say to his son?that it was the most momentous thing in his son’s life
What did she think it was?Something terrible had happened
What event did Debra see when she was a child?E) Berlin Wall breaking
What is the antonym to the word «incredible”.probable
What is the synonym to the word «make-up”cosmetics
When Chris has his birthday?A) 11th February
Who was Beth at her early years?a punk

Text 2 1st millionaire dies broke

It could be said that Sam Brannan truly believed that the Lord helps those who help themselves. After all, it was Brannan who -- when confronted with the fact that he was pocketing tithes earned through Mormon gold mining operations and meant for the church in Utah -- replied, "I'll give up the Lord's money when he (Brigham Young) sends me a receipt signed by the Lord."

A bigamist, alcoholic, public relations genius and real estate swindler, Brannan was California's first millionaire.
He landed in San Francisco in 1846 with 200 other Mormons, seeking sanctuary from religious persecution. After opening a newspaper, Brannan moved to New Helvetia, where he opened a store at John Sutter's Fort. When gold was discovered, Brannan owned the only store between San Francisco and the gold fields -- a fact he capitalized on by buying up all the picks, shovels and pans he could find, and then running up and down the streets of San Francisco, shouting "Gold! Gold on the American River!" He paid 20 cents each for the pans, then sold them for $15 apiece. In nine weeks, he made $36,000.
In the summer of 1848, with Sutter away from the fort, Brannan convinced Sutter's son to lay out a new town on the banks of the Sacramento River. Later, he persuaded the Sutters to give him 200 lots in the new town, called Sacramento City, in order to keep his store there. By the mid-1850s, Brannan was rich, dabbling in banks, railroads and telegraphs as well as land.
But a fondness for the bottle led to some disastrous business decisions, and an expensive divorce bankrupted him. By the time of his death, in San Diego County in 1889, Brannan was reduced to sleeping in the back rooms of saloons. California's first millionaire was a forgotten failure.

Find the proper word according to this definition «political, racial or religious .arriving

Find the synonym to the word «benefit”.advantage
Find the synonym to the word «successful” according to the text wealthy
Find the synonym to the word «supply”.provide
Find the synonym to the word «tiny” small
How did Sam Brannan die?An unnoticed death
How much money did Sam Brannan earned in just nine weeks?$ 36000
In what period did Sam Brannan live? Time of gold rush
In what year gold was discovered?B) 1848
In what уеаr Sam Brannan arrived in California?1846
What did Sam Brannan own when gold was found?Store
What goods did he sell in his store?C) Picks, shovels and pans
What intention did he have?C) To buy all the picks, shovels and pans he could find
Who is the main character of this text?B) Sam Brannan
Who is the main character of this text?Sam Brannan
With whom did Sam Brannan arrive in San Francisco? With John Sutter

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