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Used literature: 

1. Zolotova, L.A. About Bauyrzhan Momyshuly / Prostor -
2002. - No. 7. - pp. 124-125. 
2. Military doctrine of the Republic of Kazakhstan (approved by Decree of
the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 21, 2007
3. Nazarbayev N.A. “The Strategy of the Formation and Development of
Kazakhstan as a Sovereign State,” Alma-Ata, “Duir, 1992. 
Khairula D.N.,teacher of English 
Secondary complex «School-kindergarten №77» 
The development of the leading countries of the world led to the 
formation of the post-industrial, and then the economy of intellectual labor, 
science, and the latest technologies. The basis of this new economy is the 
intellectual potential, which is the main dominant of the socio-economic 
development of modern society. Education in the modern period is becoming a 
branch of the economy, and the human factor is the main resource for the 
development of the economy - the most valued is a person who can discover, 
create something new in production, science, culture, etc. The system of higher 
education today poses fundamentally new tasks, the main of which was 
identified by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev in 
the national project Intellectual Nation 2020: “educating Kazakhstanis in a new 
formation, turning Kazakhstan into a country with competitive human capital”, 
initiated by him [1]. The formation of an intellectual nation is recognized as one 
of the strategic development goals of Kazakhstan, while the main vectors are 
quality education and support for the younger generation. 
Today, the formation of national values as one of the components of an 
intellectual nation is a social process. Orientation to national values, socio-
political changes in the country put on the agenda the issues of formation, 
development, formation, education of a patriot, citizen, and specialist. Today, 
one of the strategic trends in the development of Kazakhstan is the new 
Kazakhstan patriotism. As you know, in the Address of the President of the 
country “Kazakhstan's Way - 2050: Common Goal, Common Interests, 
Common Future” the national idea of Kazakhstan - “Mangilik El” was defined. 
This is the eternal land on which the hardworking, hospitable, tolerant people 
live, who have gained independence and the opportunity to build their own 
historical destiny. President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev 
directed the idea of mobilizing "Mangilik El" to his people as the main 
ideological and innovative direction [2]. 

“One of the main tasks of our state today is to educate a generation that 
knows the traditions of native culture, loves the history of his people - a 
generation that can be trusted with the future of the country. Since gaining 
independence, Kazakhstan has strengthened its economy and is recognized 
worldwide. An active and purposeful young generation is growing in the 
country, fluent in several languages, mastered modern information technologies. 
But where is the guarantee that these will not be technocrats alien to the 
aspirations of the people, who do not know their native history, their roots, who 
do not recognize themselves as heirs and successors of the great steppe culture? 
The young generation, which has not learned the spiritual values of their 
country, the lessons of their native history, can be drowned out by the wave of 
globalization and go on about various dogmatic trends. This means that our duty 
is to educate young Kazakhstanis in the spirit of patriotism, love for their 
people, ”said the President of Kazakhstan [3]. 
Love for the Motherland is not only pride, but also an active civic and life 
position of a person, his desire to correct and improve the situation around him. 
Patriotism cannot be developed without preserving historical memory. And in 
order to truly love your country, you need to know its present well and 
remember the past and, of course, the heroic deeds of our countrymen during the 
years of World War II. 
2020 was marked by an important event - the 75th anniversary of the Victory in 
the Great Patriotic War. This holiday will become for everyone a symbol of 
national pride, glory, valor and unparalleled feat of our people, who defended 
the freedom and independence of the Motherland, because veterans and 

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