Ассоциации «общенациональное движение «бобек» конгресс ученых казахстана

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. This article is devoted to teaching listening for students that have some 
problems with acquiring English. Methods and investigations that the experiment was based on 
were described. Examples of different tasks are given, as well as the results of approbation of 
those in schools. The goal of the article is to give the idea how to work with not only gifted and 
talented students using the authentic materials. It can be the way of raising the motivation of 
underachievers, too.
Key words
: listening, authentic materials, tools, ESL classroom. 
Listening is one of the most complicated parts of language learning. To teach such skills 
is possibly the hardest part of ESL teaching, especially in non-English-speaking environment and 
very little English exposure at home. All the language learners need thorough guidance when 
acquiring listening skills. It is mistakenly believed that language teachers should use authentic 
materials only with upper level students. The current view of listening as a many-sided 
interactive process necessitates a more comprehensive approach to teaching listening to help 
learners meet the challenge of real-life listening from the very beginning of language learning 
(Nihei, 2020). Many outstanding scholars of different decades studied the process of teaching 
listening with authentic materials, but very little was described about implementing authentic 
listening materials in low level classrooms. Although, Thompson et al (2004) suggest that few 
opportunities exist for beginners to develop listening as a skill and the focus is on the 
development of listening rather than the broader competency of listening as a learning ability, it 
is considered that further studies aimed at teaching listening in a foreign language those of 
elementary level with the help of real-life materials is demanded. The goal of this paper is to 
offer some useful ways of using authenticity when teaching listening to the low levels.
When conducting this research, elements of the diagnostic approach were implemented. 
This approach allows teachers and students to attend to listening difficulties and practice 
strategies to diminish them (Field, 2015). Also, teaching-listening-for-purpose method was 
included in this study (Garside, 2020). In addition, the materials of the exploratory study of 
Donella Caspersz and Ania Stasinska (Donella Caspersz, 2015) were used. 
The experiment was conducted with underachiever pupils, those of the sixth grades of 
Qostanai schools # 17 and # 8. On the whole, there were 25 participants. The experiment was 
divided into two big stages: 1) students were to do the task without a clearly identified task, for 
listen and say what the text is about
what is its main point
, on the authentic material. 
Then we wrote down the number of students who coped with the task; 2) Students were to do the 
task on the authentic material but following a certain clear instruction. They did it in several 
stages, which differed depending on the task and the material used. They were to do everything 
step by step with gradual increasing of difficulty of tasks. Exercises were the following: 
Identify the opinions
. The task was to listen to the recording and identify people’s 
opinions according to a certain problem or phenomenon.

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