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The WebQuest Design Process - Phase 2

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The WebQuest Design Process - Phase 2
The second phase of the design process is connected with shaping, outlining, or drafting. This is the time to make sure teachers have all the right pieces before actually putting them together and then up on the Web.
Brainstorm Transformations
The main thing to do at this stage of the design process is to brainstorm all the possible transformative cognitive tasks that could be involved with the Question. In his article on active learning Dodge stresses that active learning involves putting our students in situations which compel them to read, speak, listen, think deeply, and write and that when first faced with the prospect of developing learning environments on the web, it's easy to be overwhelmed by the possibilities. To reduce the complexity of the task he suggests to chunk things out into these three domains [2, 1].

Sort Links into Roles
Once websites are collected they need to be sorted out. After that it is important to think about the students' background knowledge of the topic. Make sure they all start out on solid footing by doing one of three things: 1) Use learning activities prior to the WebQuest to prepare this fundamental knowledge on the subject. 2) Give each role at least one link that provides good background. 3) Engage students during the WebQuest process in some sort of "background for everyone" phase.
Decision: Define the Learning Task
The easiest way to think of the Learning Task is the students' physical product. Whereas the Question identifies what will go on in the minds of learners, the Task defines how that learning will materialize. So they definitely go hand-in-hand. This is the decision aspect of this phase. Here are some questions that teachers need to answer affirmatively before moving on to the final stage:

  • Does what has emerged from the Web resources address learning Gap?

  • Have you specifically identified the kind of higher level thinking that will transpire in the minds of learners?

  • Do you have the right technology, time, and comfort level to support the Task?

  • Is there enough on the Web to support the roles?

  • Does the Task mirror activities in the real world?

If the answers are “Yes” to all the questions above, you're on the way to creating a great WebQuest!

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