Қазақстан Республикасының Білім және Ғылым министерлігі А. Сүлейменов атындағы жалпы орта мектеп

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2-жүргізуші: 9тур Составление слов из слогов.По одному участнику от каждой команды получают конверты.Начало слова одной карточке,окончание-на другой.
2-жүргізуші: 10 тур Конкурс капитанов.(The capitans’ competition).Участвуют капитаны.Необходимо рассказать о себе.Кто больше скажет предложений?
2-жүргізуші: 11 тур. Страноведение.
1).The capital of G.B?(London0
2).Which is GB’s oldest university?(Oxford)
3).Who is the symbol of Scotland?(a thistle)
4). Who is the symbol of England?(a red rose)
5). Who is the symbol of Wales?(adaffodil)
6) Who is the symbol of Nothern Ireland?(a shamrock)
7).Who is Robin Hood? (a legendary hero of English literature)
8).Who is the head of GB?(The Queen Elizabeth II )
9).Who wrote the novel “Treasure Island”?(Robert Stevenson)
10).The British money is……..(pound)
3-жүргізуші: The 12th round .Imagination. There ia a cards with words or sentences.You must choose any card but you mustn’t say this sentences,only act it.
1).I love sports.
2).I am sleeping
3). I do sport every day.
4).I am running
5 ).I can sit up late watching video
6).I get up at 7 o’clock

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