Б. О. Джолдошева из Института автоматики и информационных технологий нан кр, г. Бишкек; «Cинтез кибернетических автоматических систем с использованием эталонной модели»

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3. Recommendations


It is not exaggerating to mention the biggest problem of the world currently is the quest of economic means, while balancing the mechanisms for creation and steady functioning of reserved territories. It is the main barrier and on a way of perfection management of Korgalzhyn State Nature Reserve.
In most of the national parks/nature reserves in other country, basic expenses of nature reserves were from the central government, as a sign of recognition of their national importance. Governmental financing level makes from 50 to 100 % of all expenses. The missing part was covered by the regional and local authorities, donations of local population, the nature protection organizations and funds, own incomes of the reserve
It is wrong to consider that the overwhelming part of the money arriving in the state budget from activity nature reserve, it is earned by reserve. Most of them came from concerning enterprises and organizations realizing. In the case of Korgalzhyn State Nature Reserve, substantial increase of enterprise activity can be expected to occur in large settlements around reserve: the cities Astana and Karaganda. Enterprises in nearby settlements do not list the taxes directly on reserve activity. Some organizations that are carrying out the activity in territory of reserve might as well contribute to the financial statement, according to the concluded contracts, which have been given out by licensees, permits, etc.
Administrations of the park (reserves, parks, botanical gardens, dendro – and zoo-reserves), might target some ecological funds such as:

  • Part of penalties and monetary collected from a damage caused by it results of infringement of the legislation about especially protected areas;

  • The means received from realization of property confiscated or withdrawn according to the legislation, served by the tool or a subject of an ecological offence in their territory;

  • Part of payments of the enterprises, establishments and the organisations for pollution of territory and objects of reserve which is defined on the basis of an ecology-economic estimation of their influence on surrounding environment;

  • Incomes of commercial activity of nature reserve (excursion, ecotourism, visiting of museums, etc.)

  • Target and other voluntary payments of the enterprises, establishments, the organisations, including international both foreign, and citizens.

It is necessary to introduce new forms of economic development of territories (free economic zones, zones of priority development, etc.) in order to direct the financial target of nature reserve from the enterprises, the organisations, or concerning individuals.
One of ways to attract of financial assets in reserve is the participation in the international nature protection programs, competitions of grants, etc. Competitions of grants are for both for nature reserve, and for its separate employees, and the organizations (public, research, educational), leads of work in territory of reserve. However, they cannot essentially affect a financial position of nature protection establishment. Inclusion of reserve in the international Nature protection campaigns, programs, the unions is more effective.
The main requirement of World Bank is biodiversity preservation, socially and ecologically a region sustainable development. The World Bank supports only for the development of nature reserves’ necessary infrastructure. The Kazakhstan government should provide steady functioning of reserves.
Now the state is in forces to finance in necessary volumes reserved territories and objects, to provide a sustainable development of regions, important from the nature protection, historical, cultural, and recreational points of view.

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