Руководитель программы: к.х.н., ст. преподаватель Бабашева К.К.
Name of the discipline: Modern methods of oil analysis
Number of credits: 4 (1+1+2), ЕСТS credits -6
Prerequisites:"Chemistry"(school program)
Postrequisites:"Organic Chemistry", "Surface phenomena and disperse systems"
Purpose of studying of the discipline: The purpose of discipline "Modern methods of oil and oil products analysis" is to deepen students' knowledge on the theory and practice of modern methods of analysis, so that in the future bachelor of chemical engineering can independently plan and carry out the whole cycle of studies of oil and oil products, to develop schemes and analysis methods, to carry out real tests at the present level.
Summary: Modern methods of monitoring the physical parameters of the quality of oil and petroleum products. Elemental analysis of petroleum and petroleum products. Chromatography: basic principles. Mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Ultraviolet and infrared spectroscopy. X-ray fluorescence. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Atomic spectrum analysis.