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Докторантура бағдарламаларының директоры (2020-2021 жж.) 

Педагогикалық құрамды қабылдау комитетінің төрағасы (2018-2020 

Академиялық бағдарламалардың мониторингі (2017-2019 жж. – 
магистратура, 2020 ж.– PhD докторантура) 

Жоғары экономика мектебінен университет сенатының мүшесі (2020-
2021 жж.) 

Жоғары оқу орындарындағы магистратура бағдарламасының қабылдау 
комиссиясының мүшесі / төрағасы (2020 ж. – төраға, 2017-2019 жж. – 
комиссия мүшесі) 
Bilyalov D. (presented virtually in March, 2020). 
Work Situation, Satisfaction, and 
the Status of Teaching Profession in Kazakhstan: Comparing VET and School 
Teachers in Kazakhstan’s Southern Capital
(paper presentation, virtual). 
Comparative and International Education Society Conference, online, physical 
conference cancelled due to a global pandemic.
Jones G., Yudkevich M., Bilyalov D., Panova O., & Mueler L. (August 26, 2019). 
Market versus Government-Driven Vertical Stratification and the Knowledge 
Transfer Activities of University Faculty: A Comparative Study of Four Countries.
Academic Profession in the Knowledge Society Conference. Kassel, Germany. 
Bilyalov D., Hartley M. 
The Evolving Work of Governing Boards in Kazakhstan: 
Learning to Govern in an Autonomous System. 
(November 12, 2019). Research 
seminar presentation at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Russia. 
Bilyalov D. (November 10, 2019). 
Doctorates in Education: Application, Patterns 
of Studies, and Possible Career Trajectories. 
Guest lecture to researchers at the 
Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Russia. 
Bilyalov D. (October 21, 2019). 
Faculty Societal Engagement in Kazakhstan. 
Research seminar lecture at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 
Bilyalov D. (October 19, 2019). 
Helpful free tools for your research and studies at 
the graduate level. 
Doctoral seminar lecture at the University of Malaya, Kuala 
Lumpur, Malaysia. 
Bilyalov D. (August 19, 2019). 
The Changing Role of a School Teaching in a 
Rapidly Changing Education Technology Landscape. 
Forum of Educators of 
Almaty city. Plenary speech, 800 educators attended. Almaty, Kazakhstan. 

Bilyalov D. (August 10, 2019). 
Nazarbayev University: A Short Story. Retold by 
Darkhan Bilyalov. 
Guest lecture at Northwestern University’s “The Global 
University” class. Evanston, USA (presented virtually).
Bilyalov D. (June, 2019). 
International Faculty Perceptions, Conceptualizations, 
and Enactment of Institutional Service and Outreach in an Asian, Post-Soviet 
(poster presentation). The Canada International Conference on Education 
(CICE), Mississauga, ON, Canada.
Bilyalov D. (June, 2019). 
Work Situation and the Status of VET Teacher Profession 
in Kazakhstan 
(paper presentation). The Canada International Conference on 
Education (CICE), Mississauga, ON, Canada.
Bilyalov D. (June 13, 2019). 
The situation with credit recognition and transfer in 
Feasibility Study and Policy Brief on Strengthening Credit Recognition 
and Transfer Systems in Asia-Pacific. A UNESCO Project. Seoul, Korea. 
Bilyalov D. (December 4, 2018). 
Disruptive innovations in higher education and 
their potential impact on the Higher School in Kazakhstan. 
The School of Library 
Technologies, Nazarbayev University. 
Bilyalov D. and Hartley M. (November 18, 2018). 
The Evolving Work of Boards of 
Trustees in Kazakhstan: Learning to Govern in an Autonomous System.
for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference. Tampa, USA. 
Bilyalov D. (October 16, 2018). 
The Role of Collegial Governing Bodies in Making 
Organizational Decisions in the Field of Education.
Professional development 
program for school leaders in Astana schools on per capita funding and the boards 
of trustees. Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. 
Helmer J., Bilyalov D., Wan C. (May 29, 2018) 
Innovative quantitative and 
qualitative research methods.
Professional development course for middle-
management of medical higher education institutions conducted by NUGSE.
Garces L.M. & Bilyalov D. (April, 2018). 
Navigating the Quicksand: Understanding 
the Influence of Affirmative Action Developments on Racial Diversity Work 
American Educational Research Association's (AERA) Annual 
Bilyalov D. (June, 2017). 
Teaching, Research, and Service at an Emerging Research 
University: The
Challenges of International Faculty 
(paper presentation and paper in conference 
proceedings). The Canada International Conference on Education (CICE), 
Mississauga, ON, Canada.

Bilyalov D. (March, 2017) 
Organizational socialization and job satisfaction of 
international faculty at an emerging research university in a post-Soviet context 
(paper presentation). Comparative and International Education Society Conference, 
Atlanta, GA.

Hartley, M., Bilyalov D. (November, 2015) 
Establishing boards of trustees in 
Kazakhstan: an analysis of governance reforms in six institutions 
presentation). Association for the Study of Higher Education, Denver, CO.
Jumakulov, Z., Ashirbekov, A., Li A., Bilyalov D. (November, 2015) 
education internationalization in the context of ongoing economic and political 
transitions: insights from Kazakhstan 
(paper presentation). Association for the 
Study of Higher Education, Denver, CO.
Bilyalov D., Ambusaidi, I., (March, 2015) 
Role strain experience of international 
parent students: a case study 
(poster presentation). Comparative and International 
Education Society Conference, Washington, DC. 

Ambusaidi, I., Bilyalov D. (February, 2015) 
On-campus family housing context as 
a role strain mediator for parent students 
(paper presentation). Graduate Student 
Research Symposium, Penn State College of Education.
Kurakbayev, K., Bilyalov D. (March, 2013). 
Teachers as Researchers: Rhetoric or 
Reality in Kazakhstan. 
Presentation at the Open Seminar at Faculty of Education, 
University of Cambridge.

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