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Көмекші етістіктер
To be, to have, to do, shall, will етістіктері көмекші етістіктер деп аталады, өйткені олардың көмегімен етістіктің көптеген күрделі формалары жасалады.
Олар ағылшын етістіктерін шақтарға байланысты жіктеуде маңызды рөл атқарады. Көмекші етістіктер жеке өзі қолданылмайды және мағынасы жоқ.
To be, to have, to do, shall (should), will (would) етістіктері кейбір кездерде модальдық мағынаны білдіреді.
To be, to have, to do етістіктері сонымен қатар мағыналық етістік ретінде де қолданылады: to be – болу, to have – бар болу, to do – істеу.

To be етістігінің қолданылуы:

1. Көмекші етістік ретінде.

He is reading a book.

Ол кітап оқып отыр.

2. Сөз бен сөзді байланыстырушы ретінде.

This room is good.

Бұл бөлме жақсы.

3. Мағыналық етістік ретінде, «болу» мағынасында.

He is at home.

Ол үйде.

4. Бір нәрсені істеу міндеттілігі ретінде

We are to meet at noon.

Біз түсте кездесуіміз керек.

Present Indefinite – те to be етістігі басқа етістіктерге қарағанда формалары әр жақта әр түрлі: I am, he (she, it) is, we (you, they) are.
Past Indefinite – те to be етістігі жекеше және көпше түрде формалары әр түрлі: I (he, she, it) was, we (you, they) were.

To be етістігінің жіктелу кестесі





I am ...
He (she, it) is ...
We are ...
You are ...
They are ...

I am being ...
He (she, it) is being ...
We are being ...
You are being ...
They are being ...

I have been ...
He (she, it) has been ...
We have been ...
You have been ...
They have been ...

Am I ...?

Am I being...?

Have I been...?

I am not...

I am not being...

I have not been...





I was ...
He (she, it) was...
We were...
You were...
They were...

I was being...
He (she, it) was being...
We were being...
You were being...
They were being...

I had been...
He (she, it) had been...
We had been...
You had been...
They had been...

Was I...?

Was I being...?

Had I been...?

I was not...

I was not being...

I had not been...





I shall be...
He (she, it) will be...
We shall be...
You will be...
They will be...

I shall have been...
He (she, it) will have been...
We will have been...
You will have been...
They will have been...

Shall I be ...?

Shall I have Been...?

I shall not be...

I shall not have been...

Future in the Past




I should be...
He (she, it) would be...
We should be...
You should be...
They should be...

I should have been...
He (she, it) would have been...
We would have been...
You would have been...
They would have been...

I should not be...

I should not have been...

to have етістігі

  1. Көмекші етістік ретінде:

He has returned to Moscow. – Ол Москваға қайтып келді.

  1. Мағыналық етістік ретінде, «бар болу» мағынасында:

He has a sister. – Оның әпкесі бар.

  1. Зат есімдермен тіркесіп:

I usually have dinner at home. – Мен әдетте түскі асты үйде ішемін.

  1. Бір нәрсені істеу міндеттілігін көрсету үшін:

I have to go to the library. – Менің кітапханаға баруым керек.

  1. to have + зат есім н/е есімдік + Past Participle құрылымымен:

I had the letters posted yesterday. – Мен хаттарды кеше жібердім.

  1. to have + зат есім н/е есімдік + Инфинитив құрылымымен:

I have something to tell you. – Мен сізге бір нәрсе айтқым келіп тұр.
Present Indefinite –те to have етістігі 1-інші және 3- інші жақта жекеше түде формалары әр түрлі: I have, he (she, it) has. Көпше түрде бәріне бірдей: we (you, they) have. Көмекші етістік ретінде to have Perfect шақтарын жасау үшін өткен шақтағы есімшемен (Participle II) тіркесіп қолданылады. I have read this book. – Мен бұл кітапты оқыдым.
To have етістігінің жіктелу кестесі





I have
He (she, it) has
We have
You have
They have

I am having
He (she, it) is having
We are having
You are having
They are having

I have had
He (she, it) has had
We have had
You have had
They have had

Have I?

Am I having?

Have I had?

I have not

I am not having

I have not had





I had
He (she, it) had
We had
You had
They had

I was having
He (she, it) was having
We were having
You were having
They were having

I had had
He (she, it) had had
We had had
You had had
They had had

Had I?

Was I having?

Had I had?

I had not

I was not having

I had not had





I shall have
He (she, it) will have
We shall have
You will have
They will have

I shall be having
He (she, it) will be having
We shall be having
You will be having
They will be having

I shall have had
He (she, it) will have had
We will have had
You will have had
They will have had

Shall I have?

Shall I be having?

Shall I have had?

I shall not have

I shall not be having

I shall not have had

Future in the Past




I should have
He (she, it) would have
We should have
You would have
They would have

I should be having
He (she, it) would be having
We should be having
You would be having
They would be having

I should have had
He (she, it) would have had
We would have had
You would have had
They would have had

I should not be

I should not be having

I should not have had

To be, to have етістіктерінің келер шақта жіктелуі

to be





I shall be
He (she, it) will be
We shall be
You will be
They will be

I shall have been
He (she, it) will have been
We will have been
You will have been
They will have been

Shall I be?

Shall Ihave been?

I shall not be

I shall not have been

Future in the Past




I should be
He (she, it) would be
We should be
You would be
They would be

I should have been
He (she, it) would have been
We would have been
You would have been
They would have been

I should not be

I should not have been

to have





I shall have
He (she, it) will have
We shall have
You will have
They will have

I shall be having
He (she, it) will be having
We shall be having
You will be having
They will be having

I shall have had
He (she, it) will have had
We will have had
You will have had
They will have had

Shall I have?

Shall I be having?

Shall I have had?

I shall not have

I shall not be having

I shall not have had

Future in the Past




I should have
He (she, it) would have
We should have
You would have
They would have

I should be having
He (she, it) would be having
We should be having
You would be having
They would be having

I should have had
He (she, it) would have had
We would have had
You would have had
They would have had

I should not be

I should not be having

I should not have had

To be, to have етістіктерінің өткен шақта жіктелуі

to be





I was
He (she, it) was
We were
You were
They were

I was being
He (she, it) was being
We were being
You were being
They were being

I had been
He (she, it) had been
We had been
You had been
They had been

Was I?

Was I being?

Had I been?

I was not

I was not being

I had not been

to have





I had
He (she, it) had
We had
You had
They had

I was having
He (she, it) was having
We were having
You were having
They were having

I had had
He (she, it) had had
We had had
You had had
They had had

Had I?

Was I having?

Had I had?

I had not

I was not having

I had not had

to do етістігі

1.Көмекші етістік ретінде:

а) күрделі етістік формаларын жасау үшін

Do you speak English?
He doesn’t learn French.
Don’t go there.

Ағылшын тілінде сөйлейсіз бе?
Ол француз тілін оқымайды.
Онда бармаңыз.

б) іс-әрекеттің маңыздылығын көрсету үшін

But I do know him.
Do come tonight.

Бірақ мен оны білемін ғой.
Бүгін кешке келіңіз.

2. Мағыналық етістік ретінде, «істеу» мағынасында.

He will do his work in the evening.

Ол сөз жұмысын кешке істейді.

To do етістігі көмекші етістік ретінде қолданылады:

  1. Present және Past Indefinite сұраулы және болымсыз формаларын жасау үшін:

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