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Participle ІI сөйлемде 2 түрлі қызмет атқарады

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Participle ІI сөйлемде 2 түрлі қызмет атқарады:

  1. Анықтауыш. written letter – жазылған хат.

  2. Пысықтауыш. She didn’t say a word shocked by his proposal. – Оның ұсынысына таң қалған ол еш нәрсе айта алмады.

Бекіту жаттығулары

Жаттығу №1
Есімшеге I-ге көңіл аудара отырып, қазақ тіліне аударыңыз:
1. The girl standing at the window is my sister.
2. Having been sent to the wrong address the letter didn’t rich him.
3. He sat in the arm-chair thinking.
4. She came up to us breathing heavily.
5. The hall was full of laughing people.
6. The singing girl was about fourteen.
7. Having read the book I gave it to Pete.
8. The large building being built in our street is a new school – house.
9. Having finished the experiment the students left the laboratory.
10. Being busy, he postponed his trip.

Жаттығу №2
Жақшаны ашып, осы шақтағы есімшені ырықты және ырықсыз формаға қойыңыз.
1. (To impress) by the film, they kept silent.
2. (To lose) the book, the student couldn’t remember the topic.
3. He spent the whole day (to read) a book.
4. (To travel) around America for a month, she returned to England.
5. He watched Mike (to go) out of the door and (to cross) the street.
6. The question (to discuss) now is very important.
7. (To pack) in the beautiful box the flowers looked very lovely.
8. (To descent) the mountains, they heard a man calling for help.
9. (To reject) by everybody he became a monk.
10. (To show) the wrong direction, the travelers soon lost their way.

Жаттығу №3
Жақшаны ашып, Indefinite немесе Perfect Participle I қолданыңыз. Аударыңыз.
1. (To write) out all the words, I started to learn them.
2. (To buy) food, they left supermarket.
3. (to bark) dog doesn’t bite.
4. She entered the room (to smile).
5. (To drink) coffee she was talking to her friend.
6. (To find) the keys, we were able to open the door.
7. (To make) the report, Tom left the room.
8. (To see) her he raised his hat.
9. My task (to finish), I went to bed.
10. While (to learn) the pronunciation of the words we learned their meaning.

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