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Reflexivity - impulsivity. These styles were identified N. Kogan (N. Kogan, 1976) in the study of intellectual activity in a situation of decision making under uncertainty, when you need to make the right choice from a set of alternatives. Impulsive people tend to react quickly to a problem situation, with the hypothesis put forward and accept without careful thinking through. For reflective people, by contrast, is characterized by slow response to this situation, the decision is made based on carefully weighing all the pros and cons. They collect more information about the stimulus before responding, use more productive ways to solve problems more effectively use the acquired learning strategies of the new conditions.

According to some reports (S. Messer), speed of response does not depend on the level of intelligence, as opposed to the number of erroneous decisions.

Rigidity - flexibility of cognitive control. This style is associated with the ease or difficulty of changing fashion business or switching from one alphabet to another information. The difficulty of changing or switching leads to a narrowness and rigidity of cognitive control.

The term "rigidity" was coined by R. Cattell (1935) to describe the phenomena perseveration (from Lat. Perseveratio - persistence), i.e., the obsessive repetition of the same thoughts, images, movements, when switching from one activity to another. They revealed significant individual differences in the manifestation of this phenomenon. Diagnosed these styles by using word-color test, J. Stroop. Conflict situation created by the interference of the situation when a process is suppressed by others. The subject should call the color in which the written words for colors, the color of writing the words and the color denoted by the word, do not match.

Narrow - Wide range of equivalence. These cognitive styles show individual differences in scale, which is used by humans for assessing similarities and differences between objects. Some of the subjects under free classification of objects shared by objects into many groups with small volume (narrow range of equivalence), while others form little groups, but with a large number of objects (a wide range of equivalence). The basis for these differences lies not so much the ability to see differences in how the degree of "sensitivity" to the identified differences and focus on fixing the differences of various types. So, for a narrow range of equivalence is characterized by reliance on the explicit physical characteristics of objects, and for a wide range - their hidden extra features. A number of foreign authors first style is called "analytical" and the second - "synthetic" (V.A. Kolga, 1976).

The relationship between these cognitive styles with personality characteristics. "Analyticity" is accompanied by increased anxiety, it is positively correlated with the factor of self-control by R. Kettle, and negatively with the factor of self-sufficiency. "Analysts" are trying to perform well in social demands and focus on social approval. According to Paley, AI (1982), the "analysts" is dominated by emotions of fear, and the "synthetics" - the emotions of anger.

Tolerance of unrealistic experience. Tolerance (from Lat. Tolerantia - patience) means tolerance, indulgence to something. As a stylistic feature, it suggests the possibility of making impressions, inappropriate or even opposing views available to the person (for example, with fast moving pictures with the horse a feeling of motion). Intolerant people resist apparently, since it is contrary to their knowledge that the pictures depicted a fixed horse (MA Cold, 1998). The main indicator of tolerance is the duration of the period in which the subject sees a moving horse. In fact, we are talking about the ability to receive inappropriate facilities available information and take external action for what it really is.

Cognitive Simplicity - cognitive complexity. The theoretical basis of the data of cognitive styles is the theory of Personal Constructs J. Kelly. The severity of a style determined by the measure of simplicity or complexity of a system of personal constructs in interpreting, forecasting and assessing the validity on the basis of certain well-organized subjective experience. Construct - a bipolar subjective measurement scale, which serves as a generalization (to establish the similarities) and contrast (the establishment of differences).

For the diagnosis of these styles using the method developed by J. Kelly repertory grid. Cognitive complexity of some data related to anxiety, dogmatism and rigidity, lower levels of social adaptability.

Provision is also verbally - logical, i.e., the abstract, the style of information processing due to the leading role of the left hemisphere, and figuratively - an effective, i.e., a particular style of information processing, which is due to the predominance (leading role), the right hemisphere.

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