Оқытудың техникалық құралдары: smart board, tables, schemes, diagrams, pictures, video materials.
Оқытудың әдістері мен түрлері: dıscussıon, presentation, problem solving, coaching, case study, brainstorming, debate.
Деңгейлік тапсырмалар: :
1- деңгей сұрақтары
Main cognitive styles of intelligence activity
2-деңгей сұрақтары
Characteristics of styles of high school students’ training activities
3- деңгей сұрақтары
Characteristic features of two types of language acquisition
ОБMӨЖ тапсырмалары: 1. Typological features and the success of the execution of various mental activities in language acquisition. 2. Typological characteristics and styles of learning activities.
MӨЖ тапсырмалары: Typological features and the success of the execution of various mental activities in language acquisition
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