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Topics & Questions for Study and Discussion

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Лекция - Тілдерді оқытудағы психологиялық мәселелер

Topics & Questions for Study and Discussion
Note: Items listed below are coded for either individual (I) work, group/pair (G) work, or whole-class (C) discussion, as suggestions to the instructor on how to incorporate the topics and questions into a class session.

1. (G) Second language learning is a complex, long-term effort that requires much of the learner. In small groups of three to five, share your own opinion on (a) the most favorable period for second language acquisition, (b) factors influencing on effectiveness of language learning. Share opinions in groups and class.

2. (I/G) List individually peculiarities of foreign language as a school subject. Share your list with another class­mate or in a small group. Compare differences and similarities.

3. (C) Look at the two definitions of language, one from an encyclopedia and the other from Pinker's book. Why are there differences between these two definitions? What assumptions or biases do they reflect on the part of the lexicographer? How do those definitions rep­resent "condensed theories"?

4. (C) What did Twaddell mean when he said, "The scientific method is quite simply the convention that mind does not exist"? What are the advantages and disadvantages of attending only to "publicly observable responses" in studying human behavior? Don't limit yourself only to language teaching in considering the ramifications of behavioristic principles.

5. (G) Richards and Rodgers said the Grammar Translation Method "is a method for which there is no theory." Why did they make that statement? Do you agree with them? Share in a group any experi­ences you have had with Grammar Translation in your foreign language classes.

6. (C) Considering the productive relationship between theory and prac­tice, think of some examples (from any field of study) that show that theory and practice are interactive. Next, think of some specific types of activities typical of a foreign language class you have been in (choral drills, translation, reading aloud, using a vocabulary word in a sentence, etc.). What kind of theoretical assumptions underlie these activities? How might the success of the activity possibly alter the theory behind it?

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