Choose the right translation: finger, eye, toe, cheek, body. Палец (руки), глаз, палец (ноги), щека, тело

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Вариант 2 ЛД 117-1

Вариант 2

  1. Choose the right translation: finger, eye, toe, cheek, body.

  1. Палец (руки), глаз, палец (ноги), щека, тело.

  2. Палец (руки), палец (ноги), нос, тело.

  3. Палец (ноги), палец (руки), щека, тело.

  4. Палец, щека, тело.

  1. Choose the right translation: uterus, bladder, kidney, duodenum, gall bladder.

  1. Пищевод, мочевой пузырь, почка, желчный пузырь.

  2. Матка, мочевой пузырь, почка, пищевод, желчный пузырь.

  3. Матка, мочевой пузырь, почка, двенадцатиперстная кишка, желчный пузырь.

  4. Матка, мочеточник, почка, двенадцатиперстная кишка, желчный пузырь.

  1. Choose the right translation: medical treatment

  1. Терапевтическое отделение

  2. Педиатрическое отделение

  3. Отделение интенсивной терапии

  4. Хирургическое отделение

  1. Choose the right translation: out-patient treatment

  1. Амбулаторное лечение

  2. Курортное лечение

  3. Хирургическое лечение

  4. Стационарное лечение

  1. How many tons of blood are pumped through the heart daily?

  1. Ten

  2. Six

  3. Seven

  4. Two

  1. Pharyngitis is inflammation of the pharynx or ... throat.

  1. Normal

  2. Sore

  3. Regular

  4. Wide

  1. Acute catarrhal laryngitis is a form characterized by

  1. aphonic or hoarseness

  2. pain and dryness of the throat, dyspnea

  3. dyspnea, a wheezy cough and more or less fever

  4. all listed

  1. The most frequent complications of acute tonsillitis are

  1. Diphtheria

  2. Amnesia and death

  3. kidney trouble

  4. kidney trouble and rheumatic fever

  1. Choose a plural form of noun

  1. Man

  2. Woman

  3. Goose

  4. Sheep

  1. Alveoli are located in the _____.

  1. Brain

  2. Heart

  3. Liver

  4. Lungs

  1. The main function of alveoli is to _____.

  1. store oxygen until the body needs it

  2. transfer oxygen from the blood out of the body

  3. transfer oxygen from the lungs to the blood

  4. prevent germs from the air from getting into the bloodstream

  1. Pneumonia is a(n) _____ of the lungs

  1. Cancer

  2. Disease

  3. Infection

  4. Malformation

  1. Translate into English: жалоба

  1. To repine

  2. To complain

  3. Complication

  4. Inflammation

  1. Translate into English: подтверждать

  1. To confirm

  2. To charge

  3. To perform

  4. To check

  1. Translate into English: бронхит

  1. Bronchia

  2. Bronchitis

  3. Pneumonia

  4. Tonsillitis

  1. What groups is the nervous system divided into?

  1. Brain and nerves

  2. Brain and spinal cord

  3. Ganglion and nerve

  4. Central and peripheral

  1. How many neurons does brain contain?

  1. Around 100 neurons

  2. Around 100 million neurons

  3. Around 100 thousand neurons

  4. Around 100 billion neurons

  1. Which part of the body controls the nervous system?

  1. Brain

  2. Spinal cord

  3. Cerebellum

  4. Thalamus

  1. How many muscles are in the human body?

  1. More than 600 muscles

  2. Less than 600 muscles

  3. More than 100 muscles

  4. Less than 100 muscles

  1. What is another name for skeletal muscles?

  1. Voluntary

  2. Healthy

  3. Smooth

  4. Cardiac

  1. What is another name for the heart muscle?

  1. Voluntary

  2. Healthy

  3. Smooth

  4. Cardiac

  1. What does blood consist of?

  1. Plasma and red blood elements

  2. Plasma and formed elements

  3. Red blood elements and leukocyte

  4. Erythrocytes and leukocyte

  1. The emergency ambulance in Kazakhstan is … .

  1. Private

  2. Expensive

  3. Free of charge

  4. All listed

  1. Choose correct translation: Государственная служба здравоохранения

  1. Family Doctor Service

  2. General Medical Council

  3. National Health Service

  4. Government Health Service

  1. Put the words in order to make sentences: The doctor/thin needles/into/a patient`s body/puts

  1. The doctor puts into thin needles a patient’s body

  2. The doctor a patient`s body puts into thin needles.

  3. The doctor puts thin needles into a patient`s body.

  4. The doctor thin needles into a patient`s body puts.

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