The Russian cloud service from Yandex, which allows users to store their data on servers in the cloud and transfer them to other users on the Internet. The work is based on data synchronization betwee
The Russian cloud service from Yandex, which allows users to store their data on servers in the cloud and transfer them to other users on the Internet. The work is based on data synchronization between different devices.
Преимущество сервиса OneDrive в том, что он сразу интегрирован с Office 365, поэтому непосредственно из приложения можно создавать, редактировать, сохранять файлы Excel, OneNote, PowerPoint и Word в службе Windows Live OneDrive.
The advantage of the OneDrive service is that it is immediately integrated with Office 365, so you can directly create, edit, save Excel files, OneNote, PowerPoint and Word from Windows Live OneDrive directly from applications.
Облако — облачное хранилище данных от компании Mail.Ru Group, позволяющее пользователям хранить свои данные в облаке и синхронизировать данные на разных устройствах, а также делиться ими с другими пользователями. is a cloud data store from Mail.Ru Group, which allows users to store their data in the cloud and synchronize data on different devices, and share them with other users.