Дидактические материалы для учащихся к курсу по выбору «Дебаты на русском, казахском и английском языках»

Resolution: The state must create the effective program on propagandizing the state symbols among the citizens of Kazakhstan. SQ

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Resolution: The state must create the effective program on propagandizing the state symbols among the citizens of Kazakhstan.
SQ: Nowadays the government of Kazakhstan pays a lot of attention to propagandizing of the SS. Citizens of our country have to know them and respect them. The President of our country declared many times that one of the most important directions in the development of the modern society in KZ is formation of patriotism and bringing up on high civil responsibility, which will help to strengthen our community.
Spreading of the SS is the most effective way to bring up patriotism. Today there are some directions of propagandizing of the SS to some particular group of citizens. Some amendments to the law about SS were made. According to this law certain SS are established and certain rules are used to control the usage of SS, producing the flag and the coat of arms.
Article 14 of this law says that it is necessary to have a special license for producing the state flag and the coat of arms. It means that the law establishes special demands to the companies which produce them. Nowadays there are 200 companies which produce objects with the drawing of SS. But actually we do not see the results of this work.
They are not interested in producing objects with drawing of SS. Notice!
It is very important not only know and hear it, but to have them at home, because it is a more effective way of bringing up. Existing ways of propagandizing are not enough. According to the results of the interview we see that only 12 per cent of all citizens of KZ have objects with the drawing of SS at home. The reasons are the absence of these goods on sale and high prices of these goods. Our businessmen do not have enough advantages and support from KZ.

Каталог: images
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