Дидактические материалы для учащихся к курсу по выбору «Дебаты на русском, казахском и английском языках»

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Examples of cases for refutation
Resolution: The government will improve the knowledge and using the constitutional rights of the population of Republic of Kazakhstan
Constitutional right – a term, used in juridical and political literature that means a field of right, regulating the relationships which are fixed by the Constitution and other normative acts, issued for its execution.
Primary pupils – pupils who study in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th forms of schools of Kazakhstan.
We’d like to concentrate on the primary pupils, because even Mahatma Gandi said: “If we want to have peace in the whole world, we should start with the children!”
SQ: Nowadays the problem of the protection of the rights, and as a result, the problem of discrimination is very sharp in our country. The government is beginning to take some steps and inform the citizens in rightful field, but still 34% of pupils know almost nothing about their rights, 80% of which are primary pupils. At the same time, 65% of discrimination of the children’s rights takes place at school, according to the Children’s Fund’s research. There are plenty of cases of discrimination of children’s rights: for example, in 2008-2009 2568 children phoned to the helpline “SanaSezim” of a centre of protection of children’s rights. This statistics shows us the inefficiency of such steps and proves the necessity of improving the real situation. Though primary pupils are little, they are already quite conscious citizens of our republic, and the destiny of our country depends on their level of readiness for the future life. Can you imagine, what citizen will the child become if he doesn’t know about his rights, that they can and must be protected? Of course, the Constitution is available to all, but its language is too complicated for schoolchildren. On the other side the teachers of primary schools don’t have an experience of working with rightful acts and, as a result cannot explain the material correctly. And we know, that having become a 1st grade pupil, the child starts the first legal relationships in his life. The shooting of the cartoon in Shymkent has become one of the ways to increase the law level of the rightful knowledge problem. The first part of the children’s serial “The Constitution for Kids” has been shot here. The authors of this project are the staff of Shymkent cinema studio “Animaster”. The children of Southern Kazakhstan have become the first viewers of the cartoon, and it is still broadcasted on the local TV, but as we know, children do not usually watch local television or don’t watch TV at all, that’s why we don’t see the results of this action and our statistics proves it.
Nowadays all the schools are also supplied with all the necessary equipment, but unfortunately it is not used to inform the schoolchildren in this field 

Problem: The low level of primary pupils’ knowledge about their rights, especially about the Constitution.
Actuality: From the first years of his schoollife the child takes a step into his adult life. Though before study he is under the guardianship and protection of his parents, having become a pupil he begins to meet new people, come across with new events and gets down to new activity. And here he can already get into dangerous situations, that’s why it is necessary to protect the child and give an opportunity to learn the Constitution, to know his own rights to be able to solve the problems, having all the necessary knowledge and experience.

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