Дидактические материалы для учащихся к курсу по выбору «Дебаты на русском, казахском и английском языках»

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While preparing students for debate, oratorical tournaments and different kinds of dispute the teacher has difficulties with the choice of exercises that can help students develop oratorical skills. Some difficulties can appear because of the lack of the material which can be used in teaching analysis and rebuttal. This collection with didactic materials can be helpful for both teachers and students.
This collection is considered to be used in teaching the elective course “Debate” in senior forms of social and humanitarian direction.
Purpose: to give students practical help in playing debate.
The most important skills that can be developed in the work with the didactic material:

Collection includes:

  1. A group of exercises teaching skills of debate. They help students develop monologue and dialogue speech, hold cross-examination, form critical thinking of senior students. Exercises have examples.

  2. Ready-made cases on different political themes, which can be both examples of cases in Popper’s format with elements of political debate and exercisers for team-work in rebuttal. Cases can be used totally and partly.

  3. Glossary of debate terms suitable for writing projects. It can help greatly in writing cases in Kazakh and English.

The main method of teaching with didactic materials is debate technology. Additional methods are critical thinking through reading and writing, method of problems, project technology. The main forms of teaching are trainings, role games, tournaments of political literacy and spontaneous speech.
This didactic material can be used as a part of methodical complex in the course “Debate” and as a separate text-book in preparing for debate tournaments. The material can be used during lessons and in individual work.

Каталог: images
images -> 6 Хромтау гимназиясы тәрбие жұмысының жылдық жұмыс жоспары Азаматтық-патриоттық, құқықтық және полимәдениеттік тәрбие
images -> БАҒдарламасы қазақ филологиясы кафедрасы Орал-2014
images -> БАҒдарламасы қазақ филологиясы кафедрасы Орал-2014
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images -> Абай Құнанбайұлы (1845—1904)
images -> Автобиография кандидата в депутаты районного маслихата по избирательному округу №5
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images -> Мазмұны Қазақстандағы жоғары білім, Ғылым және МӘдениет
images -> Үлгілік оқу жоспары
images -> Сембі Жансая Хасанқызы Қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті

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