Speaking:Learners are asked to think of any sights in Kazakhstan they would liketo visit. For example: Medeo, Chimbulak, Duman , Bayterek tower, Palace ofPeace&Harmony,BaikonurCosmodrome,Burabay(Borovoe)NationalNatureP arketc.
Learners are asked to imagine as if they are tour guides or tourists on an open- topbus in Kazakhstan. Learners prepare a speech and then give a guided tour as a tourguideandtouristsinKazakhstan(GW).
Picturesaretak en from theinternet
End 5’
8 min
What didthey learnduringthelesson:e.g.newvocabulary,similarwordsinL1,L2andEnglish
computer science: developing vocabulary range tocommunicateknowledgeofsocialmedia
Provide less- ablelearners with a lessdensedefinition written
on a worksheet so theycanread.
Create mixed- abilitygroups for part of thediscussion.
Offer differentiation bysupport.
the group dynamics work? Dideach learner contribute to thediscussion? If not, why not?(e.g. didn’t understand what todo; not so confident speakingEnglish; not interested in topic;other)
Record what they consideredthey had learned from thelesson. Could they expresswhat they had learned aboutcontent and language? Couldthey express which skills theyhaddeveloped?
List inbulletpointformtheir answers to thecritical thinkingexercise.
Summarise the group’sfindings.
Encourage them tojustifytheir opinions.
Change groups to changegroup dynamics ifnecessary.