sound instrumentation – alliteration, deliberate violation of grammatical
norms are used [2, p. 38].
Headings are characterized by the use of anthroponyms with socially
relevant and national-specific connotations. The name of a politician becomes
the object of a
language game, giving the headline of a newspaper article a
colloquial confidence and at the same time encouraging familiarity with its
content. Modern research in the field of political linguistics links the playing
of a politician's name in newspaper materials with an assessment, often
negative, and the creation of the expression [4, p. 599].
Mini Merkel tells naysayers: ‘Back me or sack me’
[9, November 23 2019].
In the last decade, there has been a noticeable increase in interest in the
comprehensive study of the functional and stylistic systems of language that
are used in the most important areas of our society. These include the mass
media and, in particular, the newspaper. The press actively participates in the
formation of public opinion, in creating a certain ideological background, in
promoting certain value systems and performs an important social function.
The headline is the first thing the reader pays attention to.
We found that their specific structure serves different purposes: they
should make the reader interested in the article and, at the same time, provide
concise information. Having analyzed some headlines,
we found out that
English-language headlines are characterized by a concentric presentation of
information that makes it easier for the reader to choose what interests him in
the newspaper. Thus, the reader can get the most general idea of the main
events of the day by the headings and subheadings and can read completely
only what interests him. [6, p. 119].
A comparison of the headlines mainly grammar peculiarities of the
Kazakhstan’s newspapers "Astana Times" and British media headlines did
not reveal fundamental differences between them: the Kazakh press, as well
British newspapers, equally often use such techniques as elliptical
sentences, abbreviated words and nominative constructions in the headlines
of the articles. However, it is worth noting that in the headlines of Kazakh
newspaper articles, large common offers are more common than in British
ones. Moreover, the Kazakhstan’s English-language newspaper uses
additional headlines, slang, allusions, jargon much less often than the British
ones. Thus, in this article we have considered only the most important features
of the English newspaper headlines that are directly related to the problem of
their understanding and translation into Russian. There are no specific rules
for translating newspaper headlines, but knowing
their main features and
having extensive background knowledge, the translator is able to perform an
adequate translation of headlines.
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Статья посвящена некоторым лексическим и грамматическим особенностям
заголовков газетных статей на основе анализа современных британских и
казахстанских англоязычных онлайн-версий масс-медиа.
Мақала бұқаралық медианың қазіргі заманғы Британдық және қазақстандық
ағылшын тілді онлайн нұсқаларын талдау
негізінде газет мақалалары
тақырыптарының кейбір лексикалық және грамматикалық ерекшеліктеріне арналған.