Е. С. Закирова, П. А. Красавин Английский язык для технических вузов

LISTENING Exercise 20. Listen to the text “The Motor Car Electrical/Electronic Equip-

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Exercise 20. Listen to the text “The Motor Car Electrical/Electronic Equip-
Before listening: mind the words and phrases given to comprehend better the 
information you are going to listen to.
To be fitted — быть оснащенным;
sidelights — габаритные фонари;
headlights — фары;
poor visibility — плохая видимость;
to turn — поворачивать;
windscreen wipers and washers — стеклоочистители;
horns — сигналы;
central locking — централизованное закрывание дверей; 
to achieve — достигать;
acceptable emission level — требуемый уровень выхлопных газов. 
After listening: agree or disagree with the following statements and add some 
more information if needed.
1. A motor car uses side lights and headlights only in darkness. 2. Brake 
lights are not required during the application of the brakes. 3. Windscreen wip-
ers and washers are operated electrically. 4. Modern cars uses electronically 
controlled systems to achieve acceptable emission levels. 5. A motor car is fit-
ted with an accumulator. 
Exercise 21. Share your vision of motor car components using the following 
phrases: to my mind, in my opinion, if I am not mistaken, as far as I remem-
ber, it seems to me, etc.

1. What is the prime purpose of the vehicle structure?
2. What determines the size and weight of the vehicle systems and com-
3. What are the main structural components of a light passenger vehicle?
4. The usual source of power for a motor car is an internal combustion 
engine, isn’t it?
5. What engine is the most popular for light passenger vehicles? Why?
6. What engine is the most popular for heavy vehicles? Why?
7. Chassis includes transmission, drive lines, and steering systems, 
doesn’t it?
8. What components does transmission embrace?
9. Can you name the drive lines units?
10. What is the difference between rear-wheel drive, front-wheel drive, 
and four-wheel drive layout? Which drive layout is safer? Why?
11. Which system isolates vehicles occupants from road bumps and vibra-
12. Does a lightweight unitary construction provide sufficient space for 
a driver and passengers?
13. Have you any ideas how to improve a motor car structure?
14. Have you ever driven a car? 
15. Which motor car body do you prefer?

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