Е. С. Закирова, П. А. Красавин Английский язык для технических вузов

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T A Karpova Anglysky dlya tekhnicheskikh vuzov (1)

 my father will read newspapers.
1. My brother’s girlfriend often spends much time in the garden. 2. My 
sister’s boyfriend seldom writes letters (will not). 3. My sister’s boyfriend usu-
ally calls her after classes. 4. He always brings textbooks from the library of 
our university. 5. On Mondays he reads newspapers in the reading hall of our 
3. Transform according to the model.
Some years ago they built a house.
In a year
 they will build a house.
1. They learnt the words yesterday. 2. They left this town long ago. 
3. A week ago my relatives bought a car. 4. Last Sunday my friends spent much 
time in the swimming pool. 5. My grandparents bought a vacuum cleaner last 
4. Transform according to the model.
After classes
 he sent that letter.
 he will send that letter.
1. At 5 o’clock we met him at the station. 2. Before the conference I read 
that article from the newspaper. 3. After the war we left that city. 4. In 2011 we 
bought a fridge. 5. I saw him in August.

5. Open the brackets.
In two days they (to buy) a TV set.
In two days
 they will buy a TV set.
1. In a year my friends (to leave) our city. 2. Next summer they (to swim) 
in this river. 3. Tomorrow I (to find) my brother’s disc. 4. Next Thursday I (to 
bring) my brother’s disc. 5. In a week my parents (to buy) a computer.
6. Open the brackets.
He often (to see) her. 
They often (to see) her.
He often sees her. 
They often see her.
1. Sometimes my father (to buy) magazines in this newsstand. 2. The 
students usually (to answer) the questions very well. 3. Her daughter rarely 
(to help) her. 4. Every day they (to watch) TV. 5. As a rule, his grandfather 
(to read) newspapers in the evening.

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