Е. С. Закирова, П. А. Красавин Английский язык для технических вузов

Exercise 23. Make up special questions according to the models and answer

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Exercise 23. Make up special questions according to the models and answer 
them to streamline your speaking skills.
Model A:
Technology influences all aspects of people’s life.
What does technology influence?
1. Science provides the basis of modern technology. 2. Technology means 
the use of people’s inventions and discoveries to satisfy their needs. 3. This 
scientist uses systematic methods of study. 4. He usually tests any theory ex-
perimentally. 5. He proves it to be true.
Model B:
Scientists can study a wide variety of subjects.
What can scientists study?
1. Scientists can examine the structure of the cells of living plants and ani-
mals. 2. Scientists can solve different mathematical problems. 3. Scientists can 
use systematic methods of study. 4. They can make observations. 5. They can 
develop theories.
Exercise 24. Ask questions and use the words in italics in your answers. The words 
in brackets will help you.
1. The word “science” means 
(what). 2. Scientists can or-
(what). 3. Scientists can unify 
(what). 4. They usually test 
experimentally (what). 5. Technology influences 
different aspects of our 
Exercise 25. Read the following dialogue, sum up the information and act out 
a similar dialogue.

A.: I’ve heard you are preparing a report about science and technology for the 
students’ scientific conference.
B.: You are absolutely right.
A.: What are the main points of your report?
B.: First of all, I am going to begin my report with the definitions of science 
and technology.
A.: If I am not mistaken, the word ‘science’ is the Latin word and means 
‘knowledge’. And what meaning of the word ‘technology’ will you pro-
B.: I’ll say that technology means the use of people’s inventions and discover-
ies to satisfy their needs.
A.: I see. Will your report include any information about famous scientists?
B.: No, it won’t. It is the topic for other reports. I’ll only mention what scien-
tists study and which methods of study they use.
A.: And are you going to describe the major groups of scientific study?
B.: Of course. Though all sciences are closely interconnected they may be di-
vided into three major groups: natural, social and technical sciences.
A.: Good for you! Your report seems to be very interesting. You’ll be great at 
the conference tomorrow.
B.: Let’s hope for the best.
A.: I’ll be present at the conference by all means and try to take part in the 
B.: You are welcome.

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