Е. С. Закирова, П. А. Красавин Английский язык для технических вузов

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оБРАзец ПиСьмА личНого хАРАКТеРА
186 Laring Avenue
New York
June 16, 2009
Dear Kate, 
I am glad to receive your letter. We are all pleased that you are having a good 
time. It would be nice to be there together with you.
I am preparing now for my exams. It is so difficult to study languages at the 
university. I hope that everything will be all right, but I am a little bit nervous about 
coming exams.
Bob has told me today that he is going to write you a letter. He is going to join 
you there in a week.
Have a lot of fun.
НАПиСАНие официАльНого ПиСьмА
1. В правом верхнем углу помещается адрес отправителя, ниже дата 
13 Kensington Palace Gardens
London, S.W.
September 9th, 2009

2. Слева ниже адрес, куда отправляется письмо:
The Hilton Hotel
New Oxford Street
London, S.W.
3. Как начать и как закончить письмо:
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Приветствие может быть 
выражено следующим 
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можно следующими 
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Yours respectfully,
Respectfully yours,
Yours very respectfully,
Best regards
Kind regards
В фирму или компанию
Yours truly,
Людям, которых автор 
письма не знает
My dear Mr Richardson:
Dear Mr Richardson:
My dear Mrs Richardson:
Dear Sir
Dear Sir and Madam:
Yours truly,
Sincerely yours,
Yours very truly,
Very truly yours,
Best regards
Kind regards
Людям, которых автор 
письма хорошо знает
Dear Mr Wilson,
Dear Miss Wilson,
Dear Mrs Wilson,
Dear Professor Redhill,
Dear Dr Rodsom,
Very sincerely yours,
Cordially yours,
Yours cordially,
Very cordially yours,
Best regards
Kind regards
оБРАзец официАльНого ПиСьмА
13 Kensington Palace Gardens
London, S.W.
September 9
, 2009
The Hilton Hotel
New Oxford Street
London, S.W.
Dear Sir,
Will you reserve for me a bath for three weeks. I plan to move on September 15
and leave on October 6
. Please, let me know your rates.
Yours truly,
Peter Volkov.

оТВеТ НА официАльНое ПиСьмо
The Hilton Hotel
New Oxford Street
London, S.W.
September 11, 2009
13 Kensington Palace Gardens
London, S.W.
Dear Mr Volkov,
We have reserved a single room with a bath in your name for the period of 
September 15
 to October 6
. The rate is 60 pounds a day.
We look forward to your visit and hope your stay will be a very pleasant one.
Faithfully yours,
A. Woodford
1. Write a letter to a friend of yours inviting him to a birthday party at your 
2. Write a letter to your girlfriend asking her to spend a weekend at the 
3. Write a letter to the British Airways Office, Dimple Rd. 10, London, 
England. Ask for a copy of the timetable of flights between London and 
4. Write a letter to a radio station about the programme you do not like and 
explain why. Express your thoughts how it can be improved.
5. Write a letter to Garden View Hotel in London at Cross Road Street. 
Ask for accommodation for you and your sister. Explain the kind of accommo-
dation you desire, the approximate rates that you wish to pay, and the length of 
your stay. Tell when you expect to arrive.
6. Answer all letters mentioned above. 

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