Қайрғалиева гулфайруз батырлар институты және оның дәстүрлі қазақ қоғамындағы орны

Situations which are put forward for the defence

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Situations which are put forward for the defence:

  • establishment of batyr's heroism originated in the middle ages, consistently has passed stages of the formation, grooving and decline;

  • Heroes carried oit in a society some fundions military, regimental, diplomatic, peacemaking. In the historical period spread allover by the present study, heroes actively participafed in internal and externak politics of the country;

  • heroes were the public figures who have shoun most activity in liberation movement, tacn in their hands formation emergency volunteer corps and management by them;

  • hero Bokenbay Karauly among well-knovn national heroes was distinguished by active participation in internal and external life of kazach khan primacy, decision of political problems;

  • the son of Bokenbay batyr, Tlenhi took an active part in the struggle of Kazakh people the Yoenger zhuz under the leadership Syrym Datov against colonial oppression;

  • Zholaman Tlenhiuly the descendant of Bokenbay batyr up to the end of his life struggled against colonial oppression of Russia.

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