Биоэтика и биотехнологии: пределы улучшения человека к 70-летию Павла Дмитриевича Тищенко

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bioethics and biotec

Ключевые слова:
технологии улучшения человека, когни-
тивное улучшение человека, нейрофармакология, конкуренция 
в образовании.
Opportunities, perspectives and risks of human cognitive en-
hancement attract attention not only specialists, but also the general public, 
which focuses on the problems of safety, justice and the risks of social coer-
cion. This problem is of particular relevance for professions associated with 
prolonged concentration of attention, high loads, violation of biorhythms 
and sleep. But there is already an experience of ethical evaluation and the 
prohibition of «academic doping», which is regarded as a means of unfair 
competition, only in the sphere of education. Whether modern society to 
which competition and consumption are attributed as key characteristics, 
Статья подготовлена при финансовой поддержке РНФ, грант № 15-18-30057.

described in terms of enhancement, or will there be a place and time for 
reflection about risks, largely depends on how much social assessment and 
interests will be taken into account.

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