Дидактические материалы для учащихся к курсу по выбору «Дебаты на русском, казахском и английском языках»

Resolution: “The government will improve the knowledge and using the constitutional rights of the population of Republic of Kazakhstan.” Definition

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Resolution: “The government will improve the knowledge and using the constitutional rights of the population of Republic of Kazakhstan.”

  1. The violence to the women attitude in the family is any entail of violence, which was done of the sexual sign, which hurt physical or sexual or psychological detriment or anguishes to women and menaces of doing this entails, compulsion or arbitrary hardship of the freedom.

  2. We lessen our case to women’s rights illiteracy.

Status Quo
Constitution – is the main law of Republic of Kazakhstan, which affirms it “democratic, secular, legal and social state, the most important things are the men, it’s life, rights and freedoms”, nobody can be discriminated because of derivation, social and property position, sex, race, national language, attitude to religions, beliefs, place of living or any other circumstances. Article 17 says, “dignity of a man is touchable” and, nobody can be under torture, violence, other cruel treating of punishment “. But nowadays these articles are broken. The population of KZ is ___ mln, ___ is women. ___ mln women are married. ___ women suffer from violence, about ___women die because of cruel treating of their husbands. Violence is often met in families. Domestic violence is one of the main reasons of body wounds. Every year about ___ mln women suffer from different kinds of mockery. Every fifth woman was beaten at least once. 46% women suffer from threatens or violent actions of their husbands. Almost 16% women are under permanent and intensive psychological violence. 23% women became victims of one or more kind of sexual violence. Most women of this group do nothing to punish offenders. Only 23% write applications to the police, but many women take their applications back in 1-2 weeks under husband’s pressure. Very often women don’t know their rights and can’t protect themselves. So, the main reason of the violence to the women attitude is their juridical illiteracy. KZ ratificated all the documents important for protecting from violence:

  • Universal declaration about political rights.

  • Convention of political rights of women.

  • International pact of civil and political rights.

  • Declaration of liquidation of the violence to the women attitude.

But women don’t know about these documents and so, they cannot know about their rights.

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