Laboratory work № creation of presentations. Орындағандар: Орынбасарова А,Есмурат В,Қыдыралы Ж,Жалғасбай Д

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Lab work 5 (4 топ)

Ø sorting of sliding seats
in the menu of the program on an inset Kind in a division Modes of viewing of presentation to choose a command "Сортировщик of sliding seats"; to permute following of sliding seats in presentation: to point cursor on the required sliding seat, to push the left mouse button and, retaining it, to drag a sliding seat into new place in presentation
A kind is Modes of viewing of presentation - Sorting of sliding seats
in addition, it is possible to copy the extracted sliding seats in the new place of presentation

Fig. 16. Button "Сортировщик of sliding seats" insets "Kind"

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