Laboratory work № creation of presentations. Орындағандар: Орынбасарова А,Есмурат В,Қыдыралы Ж,Жалғасбай Д

An insertion is Illustrations – Clip

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Lab work 5 (4 топ)

An insertion is Illustrations – Clip

Fig. 13. Area of tasks "Clip" for the search of object in the library of Microsoft Officce.
Ø addition on the sliding seat of object of Microsoft Office
in the menu of the program on an inset Insertion in a division Text to choose a command "Object"; in an appearing window to set a small flag to "Create new" and to choose the type of the pasted object (small flag "As an icon" must be removed)
An insertion is Text – Object

Fig. 14. A dialog box is "Insertion of object".
Ø tuning of animation
in the menu of the program on an inset Animation in a division Animation to choose a command "Tuning of animation"; to extract on a sliding seat an object to that animation will be applied; on a panel on the right to choose a command "To Add an effect"; to choose the required action
Animation is Animation - Tuning of animation

Fig. 15. Window of tuning of animation of objects on a sliding seat.

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