Object и отвечают на вопросы падежей: Кого?

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9класс Morals

The 7th of November
LANGUAGE FOCUS: Indirect requests
I can request something and report someone’s request.
Indirect requests
Direct requests
Affirmative Negative
‘Be quiet!’ the teacher said. ‘Don’t shout!’ she said.
‘Sit down, please,’ he said. ‘Don’t tell lies,’ he said.
Student book p 44-45
Indirect requests
subject verb object infinitive
The teacher asked us to be quiet.
He told me to sit down.
subject verb object not + infinitive
She asked us not to shout.
He told her not to tell lies.
Личные местоимения в английском языке бывают двух видов: субъектные (subject pronouns) и объектные (object pronouns). Субъектные выступают подлежащим (subject) в предложении и отвечают на вопросы Кто? Что? Объектные же выступают дополнением(object) и отвечают на вопросы падежей: Кого?
Ex 1 Complete phrases 1–8 with the verbs in the box survey.
Ex 5 Choose the correct words.
Ex 6 Rewrite the sentences to make indirect requests.
The criminal told his friend, ‘Keep quiet about the robbery.’
The criminal told his friend to keep quiet about the robbery
The police officers told them not to break the law again.
2 I told myself not to feel guilty.
3 Mum asked us to wash the dishes when we had finished.
4 He told his girlfriend to stop laughing.
5 You asked me to walk a bit faster.
6 I asked my friend to meet me later.
Student book p 44-45
1 ‘Don’t break the law again,’ the police officers told them.
2 ‘Don’t feel guilty,’ I told myself.
3 ‘Wash the dishes when you’ve finished,’ Mum asked us.
4 He told his girlfriend, ‘Stop laughing!’
5 ‘Walk a bit faster!’ you asked me.
6 ‘Meet me later,’ I asked my friend.
Indirect requests
Direct requests

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