Мележик К. Н. Неличные формы глагола indd

The Infinitive as an attribute

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  • NOTE
The Infinitive as an attribute.

In this function the Infinitive is used after class and abstract nouns 

(desire, beauty, time, assistance, etc.), expressions of quantity (plenty, 

much, little, etc.), indefinite pronouns (somebody, something, no one, 

nothing, etc.), ordinal numerals and the adjective 




– After “there is / are” 

both active and passive forms of the Infinitive 

are possible but Active Infinitive is more usual.

There is plenty

 to do / to be done.



There’s a difference in meaning between the following set 


Something / anything / nothing       something / anything / nothing


o do 



           to be done

There’s nothing to do.  

           There’s nothing to be done.

Нечем заняться.    

            Ничего не поделаешь.


– The Infinitive is mostly translated by an attributive clause which 

expresses obligation, possibility or future action.

This question will be discussed at the conference shortly 

to open


in Moscow. 

Этот вопрос будет обсуждаться на конференции, 





 (вскоре откроется) в Москве.

– The Perfect Infinitive Passive in the function of an attribute points 

to the action which was to take place but it wasn’t performed. The 

Infinitive in this function often expresses modality.

Examinations were 

to have been passed

 at the beginning of June.

Экзамены должны были быть сданы в начале июня (но не 

были сданы).

– After the words 

the last 


 ordinal numbers

 the Infinitive in this 

function is translated by the finite verb in the required form. 

He was 

the first to offer

 his hand to me. 

Он был 

первым, кто (который) протянул

 мне руку.

– The Passive Infinitive in the attributive function preserves the 

preposition of the verb and it’s mostly translated by an indefinite 

personal sentence. 

There was nothing 

to be astonished at


Удивляться было нечему.

– In some cases the Infinitive in this function may be translated by 

an adjective, participle or noun with a preposition.

The shape of things 

to come

 is shown by the data obtained by the 


О характере 


 событий можно судить по дан-

ным, полученным специалистами (экспертами).

– Depending on the context the Infinitive used attributively may be 

rendered as a simple sentence; modality is expressed lexically.

He had no objections 

to make


У него не было возражений.

Task 1.


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