Руководство Инфекционные болезни Главные редакторы акад. Ран н. Д. Ющук, акад. Раен ю. Я. Венгеров

Руководство по инфекционным болезням / Под ред. Ю.В. Лобзина. — СПб.: Фолиант

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1. Руководство по инфекционным болезням / Под ред. Ю.В. Лобзина. — СПб.: Фолиант,
2000. - 936 с.
2. Alter 
Beyond the С. New viruses and their relationship to hepatitis / / Update on viral
hepatitis. Postgraduate course. - AASL. - 2000. - P. 68-75.
3. Erker J.C., Leary T.P., Desialet S.M. et al. Analyses of TT-virus full-length genomic
sequen- c e s / / J . Gen. Virol. - 1999. - Vol. 80. - P. 1743-1750.
4. Leary T.P., Erker J.C., Chalmers M.L. et al. Improved detection systems for TT virus reveal
high prevalence in humans, non-human primates and farm animals / / J. Gen. Viral. — 1999. —
Vol. 80. - P .2 115-2120.
5. Luo K.X., Zhang L„ Wang S.S. et al. An outbreak of enterically transmitted non-A, non-E
viral hepatitis / / J . Viral Hepat. — 1999. — P. 59-64.
6. Mushahwar I.K., Erker J.C., Muerhoff A.S. et al. Molecular and biophysical characterization
of TT virus: Evidence for a new virus family infecting human / / PNAS USA. - 1999. — Vol. 96. —
P. 177-3182.
7. Okamoto H., Takahashi M., Nishizawa T. et al. Genomic characterization of TT viruses
(TTVs) in pigs, cats and dogs and their relatedness with species-specific TTVs in primates and
tupaias / / J. Gen. Virol. - 2002. - Vol. 83. - P. 1291-1297.
8. Tanaka Y., Primi D., Wang R.Y. et al. Genomic and molecular evolutionary analysis of a newly
identified infectious agent (SEN virus) and its relationship to the TT virus family / / J. Infect.
Dis. - 2001. - Vol. 183. - P. 359-367.
9. Tsuda F., Okamoto H„ Ukita M. et al. Determination of antibodies to TT virus (TTV) and
application to blood donors and patients with posttranfusion non-A to G hepatitis in Japan / /
J. Virol. Methods. - 1999. - Vol. 77. - P. 199-206.
10. Umemura T., Yeo A.E., Sottini A. et al. SEN virus infection and its relationship to

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