«Тұрақты даму мақсатындағы халықаралық журналистиканы оқыту модельдері»

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  1. С.Барлыбаева. «Развитие информационного общества в мире и Казахстане». //Алматы, «Қазақ университеті»-2006;

  2. С.Барлыбаева. «Казахстан: информационно-коммуникационная инфраструктура». // //Алматы, «Қазақ университеті»-2015.

Tlepbergenova A.A.,
candidate philology, Department of UNESCO,
International Jornalism and Media in Society

Features of the transformation of journalism
in modern society

Significant changes in the political, economic, social reality led to significant shifts in the public consciousness and, accordingly, in speech practice. It is natural that such complex processes could not be limited to narrow chronological frames. History, with all its social and political upheavals and new ideas, gives modern philologists an opportunity to observe a rare and very interesting situation of active language transformation in development.

Today, judging the changes that have occurred in the language, you can mainly on the example of journalism. If there is a society, then there must be of journalism. The formation of modern journalism has been slow, in the tense struggle of opposing tendencies, and there is no reason to believe that the post-Soviet evolution of journalism has completely ended.
It is known that journalism is a means of ideological influence. Now we focus on the Western model, which declares the desire for objectivity, the journalism of fact comes to the fore. A deeper meaning of this phenomenon is also possible: namely, in changing the attitude towards man in modern civilization and culture in the postmodern era. In fact, journalism is alienated from a person, since the person in the postmodern world is not perceived as a person, he becomes only a combination of signs or something else, journalism is the same as the most personal journalism is moving to the background.
In this regard, it seems to us necessary to study the stylistic features of the modern language of the media, namely, the language of journalism.
Journalism, which is called the chronicle of modern times, since it fully reflects the current history, is addressed to the topical problems of society - political, social, everyday, philosophical, etc., close to fiction. Just like fiction, journalism is thematically inexhaustible, its genre range is enormous, and its expressive resources are enormous. All these features determined the peculiarity of the figurative system of the journalistic style.
To see the thematic breadth of journalism, it is enough to open any number of a newspaper and view its headings. You will receive an original summary, an instant photo of the content of the newspaper. Journalism is a kind of political activity, including, this direct and direct invasion of the field of political practice. This is the area of ​​functioning of politics. Here the reflection of any fact, of any situation, bears upon itself the seal of the views, beliefs, idea of the writer. Journalism also serves as an ideological means of mobilizing public activity. The newspaper can write about politics, about diplomacy, about sport, about art, social movements, economics, construction, etc. The themes of newspaper publications are difficult to exhaust, they are so diverse. So, the journalistic style, and with it the newspaper speech (newspaper bedding), turns out to be a very complex phenomenon due to the heterogeneity of its tasks and terms of communication.
One of the important functions of journalism (in particular its newspaper and magazine variety) is the information function. The phenomenon of journalism is inextricably linked with the phenomenon of ideology. Powerful journalism has always existed in a powerful ideology. So it was in the countries of the post-Soviet space and in the XX century, and during the so-called "perestroika". The desire to report in the shortest possible time about the latest news could not but find reflection both in the nature of communicative tasks and in their verbal embodiment. However, this historically original function of the newspaper / 1 / was gradually pushed aside by another - propaganda function. "Pure" information remained only in some genres, and even there, due to the selection of the facts themselves and the nature of their submission, it turned out to be subordinate to the main, namely agitation and propaganda function. Because of this, journalism, especially newspaper, was characterized by a clearly and directly expressed function of influence, or expressive. These two main functions, like the linguistic and linguistic features that realize them, are still not divided in newspaper speech today.
Further, the arsenal of the journalist includes receptions of poetic stylistics: epithets, metaphors, comparisons, pathos, satire and humor. Journalism is inherent in figurative thinking, incendiary emotional force. That is, it is finite, and the genre of literature. In general, journalism and journalism are correlated as a kind of literature and a way of its existence.
Journalism is rich in expressive resources. Like fiction, it has a significant impact force, uses a wide variety of trails, rhetorical figures, diverse lexical and grammatical means.
Another basic style of journalistic speech is the existence of a standard. It should be borne in mind that the newspaper (in part, and other types of journalism) is characterized by a significant uniqueness of the terms of language creativity: it is created as soon as possible, sometimes not giving the opportunity to perfect the processing of linguistic material. At the same time, it is created not by one person, but by a multitude of correspondents, who prepare their materials often in isolation from one another. The style of journalistic, primarily newspaper, speech is strongly influenced by the mass character of communication. The newspaper is one of the most typical media and propaganda. Here the addressee and the author turn out to be massive.
The departure of the personal principle is now visible not only in journalism, but also in other spheres of social activity, the personality is increasingly erased, dissolved, becomes a combination of signs; A kind of creative medium of information that travels through a network (the same Internet) and is no longer associated with a specific person. Avoiding journalism in journalism is also some expression of this tendency: rejection of a person who feels inspired, needs to be inspired, and also from a personal journalist. The present structure of mass consciousness is pragmatically functional. Journalism of modern times - journalism is a statement of fact. It is the most functional, it states. All this is due to the fact that a large stratification of society occurred (in the spheres of activity, in political views, in financial interests, in social status and many others).
The entire dictionary of the literary language serves as the material for creating an appraisal of newspaper and journalistic vocabulary, although some of its ranks are especially productive in journalism.
The active function of the newspaper- journalistic style is particularly evident in the syntax. From a diverse syntactic repertoire, journalism selects designs that have a significant impact potential. It is expressiveness that attracts journalism in the construction of colloquial speech. They, as a rule, are compressed, capacious. Another important quality is mass, democracy, accessibility. Against the backdrop of the book as a whole, the syntax of journalism is distinguished by its stylistic novelty. The newspaper- journalistic style is characterized by its own system of genres. Each genre is a certain way of organizing speech, a certain speech form, in which the image of the author plays the main role. So, in fiction, the law becomes precisely the discrepancy between the real personality of the writer and the person on whose behalf the story is conducted. The writer, as it were, specially designed the image of the author, who organizes quite often a complex polyphonic narrative.
The newspaper-journalistic style is characterized by a principled coincidence of the author and the narrator. This coincidence is the main difference between the journalistic speech - its "openness", documentary, emotionality. The publicist directly and directly refers to the reader with his thoughts, feelings. And this is the strength and expressiveness of journalism. Although in journalism the journalist - the creator of the work - and his author's "I" completely coincide, the author's image as a composition-speech category is preserved, but filled with different content. The image of the author in journalism is the author's "I" of a journalist, the nature of his attitude to reality (direct description, analysis, assessment, communication, etc.). Applied to each genre, this author's "I", the image of the author, has a different form, character. For example, in a lead-article journalist acts as a representative of society, organization, union, etc. Here a kind of collective image of the author is created. More individualized, specific is the author's image in the essay; Very specific image of the author in the feuilleton.
The genre repertoire of contemporary journalism is also diverse, not inferior to fiction. Here, and the report, and notes, and chronicle information, and interviews, and an editorial, and a report, and an essay, and a feuilleton, and a review, and other genres.
Actually, the newspaper and a specific journalist do not speak on behalf of one person or a narrow group of people, but, as a rule, express the position of millions of like-minded people. In this regard, one of the characteristic stylistic features of journalistic, especially newspaper, speech is a kind of collectivity, which is expressed in the features of the meanings and functioning of linguistic units.

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