1. In what cases may the most common skin diseases occur?
2. How may skin diseases manifested?
3. What are many skin diseases accompanied by?
4. What diseases may affect the appearance?
5. What science studies skin diseases?
6. What does the inflammation of the skin result from?
7. What are the main manifestations of dermatitis?
8. What is the causative agent of scabies?
9. What infections may be treated with antibiotics?
10. What may skin cancers be due to?
Exercise 7. Insert the prepositions:
Acne consists … spots and painful bumps on the skin. It’s most noticeable … the face, but can also appear … the back, shoulders and buttocks. Severe acne can cause scarring. Acne usually starts … puberty, but it affects adults too. Most teenagers get some form of acne.
Cold sores are small blister-like spots that appear ….or around the outside … the mouth. Cold sores are caused … a virus, known as herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1). The virus can remain dormant (inactive) in some people, meaning that cold sores may never appear.
Nappy rash is a very common skin condition that happens to around one third … nappy wearing babies. It’s caused when the skin comes into contact …. urine and faeces (poo) in the nappy. Mild cases are usually painless but severe nappy rash can cause discomfort and distress to babies.
Hives (also known as urticaria), is a skin rash that can be triggered … a variety of things including allergic reactions, medicines and heat. The rash is caused when the body produces a substance called histamine, which is a protein used to fight off viruses and bacteria.
The common symptoms include a raised, rough red rash, with the bumps often looking more like normal skin colour that is often quite itchy. The raised areas … skin are known as wheals, which often fade after a few hours but can sometimes reappear elsewhere … the body.
Psoriasis is a long-term skin condition that can also affect joints. Although the cause of psoriasis is unknown, genes may play a part. People …psoriasis are… slightly higher risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease.Mild psoriasis can be treated … moisturisers as well as other products applied …the skin.The most common symptoms are dry, raised, red patches of skin (plaques) covered…. silvery scales. The patches usually appear … the knees, elbow and scalp, but they can appear anywhere …the body.