II. Дайте відповідь на наступні питання: What is appendix?
What is the cause of appendicitis?
What are the manifestations of acute appendicitis?
Why is it difficult to make a diagnosis of chronic appendicitis?
What complications can occur in case of untreated acute appendicitis?
III.Дайте визначення:апендицит
Test Appendicitis is a condition characterized by …………….
inflammation of the stomach B) inflammation of the appendix
C) ulcers in appendix D) infection of the peritoneum E) Adhesions in appendix
Mortality is high because of the risk of rupture leading to ……………...
Gastritis B) peritonitis C) angina pectoris
D) tumours E) lung abscess
Suppurative appendicitis may lead to complications such as …………...
Gastric ulcer B) rupture, abscess C) tumour
D) pyelonephritis E) nephritis
Acute appendicitis is treated ……………….
by antibiotics B) surgically C) by sulfanilamides
D) by antipyretics E) by homoeopathy
Acute appendicitis seems to be the end result of ………………..
A) erosions in the appendix mucosa B) obstruction of the appendix lumen C) inflammation of the intestines D) inflammation of the peritoneum
E) inflammation of the bile ducts
The appendix is removed to prevent its rupture which may result in ……….
Pyelonephritis B) peritonitis C) nephrolithiasis
D) gastritis E) urosepsis
The pain in acute appendicitis is accompanied by ………………….
Diarrhea, belching B) nausea, retention of stools and gases
vomiting, heartburn D) infection E) bleeding, belching
The appendix may become obstructed by ……………...
A)a stone B) a lump of faeces C) mucus D) calculus E) food debris
Symptoms of acute appendicitis are …………..
Pains, heartburns, retention of gases B) acute pains, nausea, retention of gases C) diarrhea, high fever D) coughing and sneezing
E) pains, mucopurulent sputum, belching
Full recovery from appendectomies takes about ………….
4 to 6 weeks B) up to 8 weeks C) no more than 3 weeks