Points for discussion How is skin testing carried out?
What is response to skin testing like?
What test is used in anaphylactic reaction?
Test Allergy is an increased sensitivity to …
dust b) allergens c) insect bites d) skin irritation e) mosquito
When immune system is exposed to allergens, it produces…
antibodies b) allergic reaction c) itching d) sneezing e) coughing
The substances responsible for allergy must be …
excluded b) identified c) exposed d) obtained e) consumed
… is an acute allergic reaction.
collapse b) stroke c) anaphylaxis d) sneezing e) itching
swelling of the throat and mouth and clogging up of airways lead to difficulty breathing, difficulty in speaking or swallowing
Coughing b) difficult breathing c) expelling foreign matters d) rash e) spots
Some allergists will prefer an initial blood test prior to performing the … test.
urine b) skin prick c) sputum d) probe e) saliva
Allergic parents are…. to have allergic children.
less likely b) can have c) more likely d) usually e) surely
Allergic diseases …. by inappropriate immunological responses to harmless antigens.
lead to b) trigger c) are caused d) are reached e) are provoke
The use of antibacterial cleaning products has also been associated with higher … of asthma.
occurrence b) case c) incidence d) appearance e) existence
Effective management of allergic diseases relies … the ability to make an accurate diagnosis.
of b) for c) in d) on e) –