English for medical students посібник з англійської мови

Exercise 8. Skim the text and look for the answers to the following questions

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пособие мед 2 (1) 2

Exercise 8. Skim the text and look for the answers to the following questions:
1.What does preventive dentistry include?

  1. When is instruction in oral hygiene best given?

  2. What are patients told?

  3. What does the most impressive way of demonstrating plaque contain?

  4. The patients are only shown how to use a toothbrush correctly, aren't they?

  5. How can patients clean their teeth if a toothbrush is not available?

  6. Why is cleaning after every meal not enough unless it is combined with dietary discipline?

  7. What is better prevention or cure?

  8. How often should patients have a regular inspection?

  9. In what stage can any dental disease be treated easily?

Exercise 9. Translate into English:

  1. Профілактика у стоматології передбачає різноманітні способи: рекомендації з гігієни ротової порожнини, регулярні огляди, лікування з метою запобігання захворюванню.

  2. Пацієнтам необхідно пояснити, як можна запобігти карієсу.

  3. Правильність чищення зубів можна перевірити шляхом забарвлювання зубного нальоту спеціальним барвником.

  4. Пацієнт повинен бачити сам, чи правильно він чистить зуби.

  5. Якщо зубна щітка недосяжна, потрібно, принаймні, зۥїсти яблуко або прополоскати рота водою.

  6. Чищення зубів неэффективне після їжі, якщо ви перекусуєте між прийманнями їжі.

  7. Пацієнта слід переконати у необхідності обстеження стану ротової порожнини регулярно двічі на рік.

  8. Це допоможе диагностувати захворювання ротової порожнини на їхній ранній стадії.

9. Раннє лікування дозволить зберігти зуби протягом усього життя.

Exercise 10. Insert the necessary prepositions and translate the text:
Increasing Resistance to Caries
Increasing the resistance … a tooth to acid attack has already been mentioned. It can be done … dietary measures and fluoridation. But fluoridation is a subject … such importance to the dental profession that it is covered … much more detail. Decisions to introduce fluoridation are made … local authority level and every dental student should know its benefits so that they may voice their opinion … the basis of knowledge rather than emotion.

1. Patients … how dental disease arises and how it can be prevented.

  1. is told b) told c) can tell d) are told e) talk

2. The most impressive way of demonstrating plaque on their own teeth is to give patients … to suck.

  1. Remedy b) a disclosing tablet c) a red pill d) a dying tablet

  2. e) a candy

3. Patients … then see by themselves in a mirror whether they are cleaning their teeth properly.

  1. Must b) should c) can d) may e) might

4. The best substitute in case when a toothbrush is not available is … .

  1. to eat fruit and vegetables b) not to eat

c) to use a detergent food or plain water mouth rinse after meal
d) to drink e) to eat an apple

5. Instruction in oral hygiene is best given … .

  1. at the chair-side b) in the Internet c) at hospital

d) in posters and pamphlets e) in the policlinic

6. Patients can then see … in a mirror whether they are cleaning their teeth properly.

  1. on themselves b) by themselves c) by their own

d) themselves e) for themselves

7. These visits will detect incipient dental disease that can be treated far more easily … its earliest stages than later.

  1. at b) on c) for d) in e) along

8. However, they are not likely to heed such advice unless it is … .

  1. Visible b) practicable c) tangible d) substantial e) vital

9. It must be emphasized that the beneficial effect of cleaning teeth after meals is … if food debris is continually replaced by frequent snacks between meals.

  1. put off b) lost c) insignificant d) gained e) cancelled out

10. They … how to use a toothbrush correctly, advised to clean their teeth after every meal and warned against snacks between meals.

  1. are shown b) show c) is shown d) are showed

e) is showed

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