English for medical students посібник з англійської мови

INFLUENZA Exercise 1. Topic v

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Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:

complication, n



congestion, n



intervention, n



outbreak, n



sign, n



sinus, n



species, n



sputum, n



Exercise 2. Read the following transcriptions. Write them in words and give their Ukrainian equivalents:
[in'fekʃəs], [ə'kɛ:], ['vairəs], [ai'denti'fai], ['reindƷ], ['kof], [səb'said], ['noutisəbl], [ri'li:v], [ǽnti'baiəutik], ['fri:kwentli], [ǽnti'vairəlz], [i'mju:n], [ris'pairətəri], [ə'souʃieit], ['bri: ðiŋ], [prə'dʌktiv], [ə'proksimətli].

Exercise 3. Match the English word combinations with their Ukrainian euivalents and use them in the sentences of your own:

  1. outbreak of the disease

  1. кашель з жовтувато-зеленим мокротинням

  1. a wide range of animal species

  1. послаблена імунна система

  1. nasal congestion and a sore throat

  1. ознаки вторинної інфекції

  1. to relive symptoms

  1. потребувати медичного втручання

  1. weakened immune system

  1. інфекції вух та носових пазух

  1. to be at risk for developing complications

  1. полегшувати симптоми

  1. signs of secondary infections

  1. спалах захворювання

  1. cough with yellowish green sputum

  1. бути в небезпеці розвитку ускладнення

  1. sinus or ear infections

  1. закладеність носу та хворе горло

  1. to require medical intervention

  1. широкий діапазон видів тварин

Exercise 4. Read and translate the text:
Influenza is an infectious respiratory disease. The causative agent is a virus. Influenza outbreaks occur suddenly and infection spreads rapidly.
There are three types of influenza viruses, identified as A, B, and C. Influenza A can infect humans, pigs, horses, and birds, but only humans are infected by types B and C.
Typical influenza symptoms include weakness, headache, dry cough, chills, and fever. Symptoms can be relieved with bed rest, steam inhalations, and pain relievers. As the fever subsides, nasal congestion and a sore throat become noticeable.
Since influenza is a viral infection, antibiotics are useless in treating it. However, antibiotics are frequently used to treat secondary infections. To be effective, doctor should begin treatment no later than two days after symptoms appear. Antivirals may be useful in treating patients who have weakened immune system or who are at risk for developing serious complications.
Influenza complications usually arise from bacterial infections of the lower respiratory tract. Signs of a secondary respiratory infection include high fever, chills, chest pain associated with breathing, and a productive cough with yellowish green sputum. If these symptoms appear, medical treatment is necessary. Other secondary infections, such as sinus or ear infections, heart and lung problems, may also require medical intervention. Influenza is a serious disease, and approximately 1 in 1,000 cases is fatal.

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