Est your english. Тест №1 Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный

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English test

7.Окончить предложения

  1. When he comes tomorrow …

  2. If she had more money…

  3. He will go on a trip as soon as …

  4. Though everybody was frightened to death …

  5. He asked me why …

8. Заполнить пропуски необходимой формой данных слов

An American went to Japan. He had a Japanese servant who was very polite. The American wanted to get up very … in the morning and said to the servant:

"Wake me up at six o'clock, … Don't forget to do it". At six o'clock the servant entered the … room … quickly and, seeing that the American … , took a sheet of paper and wrote some words on it. Then he left the room as … as he had entered it.

The American … up at eleven ^o'clock, jumped out of bed, looked at his watch and saw the sheet of paper on 'the table. He read these … on it: "Dear sir, it is now six o'clock. Please, get up at once". The servant was polite, … he?

American / very / too / to sleep / to wake / a word / quickly /early / not to be / please /.

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