Est your english. Тест №1 Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный

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English test

3. Выбрать правильную форму слова.

1.When the fog lifts we … see where we are.

a)could b)shall be able to c)can't

2.When we … our exam we'll have a holiday.

a)took b)take c)shall take

3.This is a very popular television programme. It … by millions of people every week.

a)is watched b)was watched c) will watch

4.Last night I … in bed when suddenly I heard a scream.

a)was reading b)read c)had read

5.George is a vegetarian. He … meat.

a)doesn't eat b)eats c)isn't eating

6.You … a lot of noise. Can you be a little bit quieter?

a)are making b)make c)don't make

7."Do you like your new school?" "Yes, it's … better than my previous school."

a)more b)much c)much more

8.He can't play tennis very well now , but he … fairly well when he was younger.

a)could b)will be able to c)couldn't

9.When I got home, I found that someone … into my apartment.

a)had broken b)broke c)would break

10.When … born?

a)have you been b)did you c)were you d)are you

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