Est your english. Тест №1 Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный

Перевести с русского на английский

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English test

6.Перевести с русского на английский

  1. Он не смог ответить на телефонный звонок, так как занимался с учениками.

  2. В нашем городе немного чаще идет снег, чем дождь.

  3. Казалось, он не знал ответа на этот вопрос.

  4. Я не могу решить, что делать, пока я не встречу его.

  5. Об этом случае много говорят.

7.Окончить предложения

  1. Since he has no money …

  2. They wondered why …

  3. Don't offer him the tickets until …

  4. The film was so boring that …

  5. When the guests arrive …

8. Заполнить пропуски необходимой формой данных слов

Mike … to observe the sky and the clouds. He likes to notice how they move and what their … are. He boasts that he can forecast the weather. But Nancy, his sister, … him because he made … mistake once.

It was during … summer holidays. To begin … Mike was right every time. Seven days he said it … and it did. Nancy was very glad because that meant she could go to the meadow to observe insect life. She collected her things as … as she could and left.

What nice … she saw … the meadow.

shape / flower / to like / not to believe / to rain / a / the / quickly / in / with /

1.Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный вариант ответа.

Work plays a very important role in Japan. A Japanese

says, "I belong to my company" and not "I work for my company". So a Japanese child, especially a boy, must work very hard, indeed. He begins to study seriously as soon as he starts going to school because if he doesn't pass all his exams he can't go to a good school and later to a good university - and so he can't get the good job he needs!

Because of this system Japanese children don't have as much time to play as children in most Western societies.

A lot of Japanese parents "arrange" marriages for their children. This is because they feel that marriage affects not only the young people, but the whole family. They believe that young people should have the same interests and social background to be happy after their marriage.

Sometimes parents go to a "matchmaker" whose job is to find a good pair and arrange for them to meet. If they like each other they get married. A lot of arranged mar­riages are very successful and help the tradition of the Japanese family to continue.

1. When does a Japanese begin to study seriously?

  1. I

before he starts going to school

  1. as soon as he begins to attend school

  2. after he leaves school

2. Why does a Japanese child have to do well at school?

  1. to pass his exams and enter a good university.

  2. to please his parents.

  3. to go in for sports

3. Do Japanese children have as much spare time as children in Western countries?

  1. No, they have no spare time at all.

  2. Yes, they have a lot of time to spare for playing.

  3. No, they have less spare time than children in Western countries.

4. When does a Japanese marry?

  1. when he graduates from a university

  2. when he falls in love

  3. when his parents find a good match for him '

5. Are "arranged" marriages successful?

  1. Yes, in most cases, they are quite a success.

  2. No, they are always unhappy.

  3. No, they are not so successful as marriages for love.

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