Етістіктің бұл шағы іс-әрекеттің бұрын басталып, осы кезде іске асқандығын, орындалғанын, бірақ оның нәтижесімен байланысты болуын білдіреді: I have just seen the new performance

Exercise.1 Make the sentences negative and ask questions

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Perfect tenses

Exercise.1 Make the sentences negative and ask questions
1.By six o'clock on Sunday I had already cleaned the room. 2. I have already translated the text. 3. She had left by the 1st of June. 4. She had written only two letters by noon. 5. When we came to the station the train had already gone. 6. She had just made coffee when I arrived. 7. I hadn’t read the book by Saturday. 8. She thanked me for what I had done for her. 9. He took me to the kitchen and asked if I had had breakfast. 10. She knew I had spoken to her father. 11. When he came, I had been there for half an hour.

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