Етістіктің бұл шағы іс-әрекеттің бұрын басталып, осы кезде іске асқандығын, орындалғанын, бірақ оның нәтижесімен байланысты болуын білдіреді: I have just seen the new performance

Exercise.2 Make the sentences negative and ask questions

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Perfect tenses

Exercise.2 Make the sentences negative and ask questions
1.I had hoped you would help me. 2. I had thought you knew each other. 3. When we first met she had lived in the country for two years and was quite happy. 4. She said that she would go home as soon as she had passed all her exams. 5. He would sit with her tonight after Mabel had gone. 6. When we called for Julia, she hadn’t yet got up. 7. When they arrived I had finished my work. 8. Peter had gone away when they reached the castle. 9. Nick had returned from school by 2 o’clock. 10. I had finished my work by 7 o’clock

The Future Perfect Tense.
(аяқталатын келер шақ).
Етістіктің бұл шағы сөйлеу кезіндегі аяқталатын іс-әрекеттің нақты нәтижесінің болатынын көрсететін шақ: She will have passed all her exams by the end of the week.
Exercise_.1._For_and_since'>Exercise.1. For and since
a) ……………. a second b) ……………….. a year
c) ……………. nine o’clock d) ……………….. last Spring
e) ……………. was at school f) ……………….. Christmas
g) ……………. a long time h) ……………….. a few minutes
i) ……………. many years j) ……………….. my birthday
k) ……………. five months l) ……………….. World War two
Exercise.2. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.
1) We shall have returned here by the time you come. 2) I shall come back to you by next week. 3) My dress will have been ready by next Monday. 4) They will have been in Almaty by 5 o’clock tomorrow. 5) He will have known English well by next year. 6) Mother will have prepared dinner by 2 o’clock tomorrow. 7) They will have told you everything by the time you come. 8) I shall have got my money by next week. 9) She will have bought coat by next winter. 10) My sister will have cooked cake by next Sunday.

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