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Abdigaliev K.(Kazakhstan)
Kazakh National Agrarian University
Scientific director: Kydyrbay K.

Abstract: Veterinary medicine is the branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease, disorder and injury in non-human animals. The scope of veterinary medicine is wide, covering all animal species, both domesticated and wild, with a wide range of conditions which can affect different species. Veterinary medicine is widely practiced, both with and without professional supervision. Professional care is most often led by a veterinary physician (also known as a vet, veterinary surgeon or veterinarian), but also by paraveterinary workers such as veterinary nurses or technicians. This can be augmented by other paraprofessionals with specific specialisms such as animal physiotherapy or dentistry, and species relevant roles such as farriers.
Key words: veterinary medicine, modern, problem, technology, laboratory.
Modern problems and the future of veterinary medicine are closely connected with the complex program of progress of a national economy. Thus major problems are struggle with epizootic and preventive maintenance of infectious diseases. Here it is possible to allocate two aspects: protection of the country from penetration of activators and entering of illnesses and preventive maintenance of infectious diseases, which activators were still kept in territory of our country. The first aspect requires knowledge world epizootical situations, a close cooperation with Worldwide veterinary association, the Worldwide organization of healthcare, etc.
The second aspect of a problem depends on daily work of representatives of a veterinary science and practice, also the veterinary-biological industry. On the one hand. This creation and introduction of highly specific diagnostic preparations. Vaccines, medicinal whey’s, biological methods of preventive maintenance, and with another - veterinary-sanitary measures, constant inspection and inoculations of animals. E. Jenner confirmed the safe and effective method of warning of natural pox by an inoculation to the man of cowpox (vaccines).
The modern cattle-breeding complex it is artificial the created complex biological and bioengineering system. In many instances veterinary-preventive actions are arranged to it. Therefore the method of aerosol vaccination developed by scientists requires essentially new approach to preventive maintenance of infectious diseases when at the same time it is possible to process tens thousand goals of a bird, a plenty of other animals. Such method has found application and at group therapy of respiratory illnesses, disinfection of cattle-breeding facilities.
Necessary element of veterinary technology in animal industry, except for system antiepizootical actions, is prophylactic medical examination, that is the possibility constantly to track health of all livestock. Thus it is necessary to consider the basic parameters of the general not specificity of resistency, a metabolism, as well as imunnobiological conditions of animals. It is known, that mass diseases arise on a background of decrease in resistency and imunnobiological conditions of animals, especially young growth more often.
At high concentration of animals in the pathogenic micro flora which can overcome imunnobiological barriers even a healthy animal collects arbitrarily. Besides conditions for selection of the most pathogenic micro flora are created. In this case effective it is considered a principle «all busy – all is empty», that provides the way to lead careful disinfection and sanitation of facilities.
Perspective problem of animal industry is achievement of harmony between technology and biology. In fact the technics constantly contacts to an alive organism. Together with adequate feeding special value gets also a microclimate which infringement of parameters immediately leads to decrease in efficiency and to mass illnesses of animals. Therefore the reliable automated systems of regulation of a microclimate – the major element of modern integrated poultry farms and pig-breeding complexes.
At imperfect system of machine milking mastitises at cows can get mass propagation, and unsuccessful designs of a floor can lead to a mass traumatism of finitenesses.
Preventive work on it needs to be conducted in two directions: the further perfection of technics, creation of technologies which answer biological and physiological features of animals and deducing of breeds and lines of the animals at the most adapted for industrial technology and high stability to various illnesses.
For decide a lot of problem of veterinary medicine we should know what a great doctors told about this problem and do with problems. For example N.M.Nikolsky is author more than 100 works on different problems of veterinary science, editor of row of guidances and books. E. Jenner confirmed the safe and effective method of warning of natural pox by an inoculation to the man of cowpox (vaccines). K. Abert, G.Gaffki, E.Klabs, much did for development of knowledge about the infectious diseases of animals and man.
The special attention is deserved with veterinary-sanitary examination of livestock products. Here important not only to prevent hit in food of products from sick animals, occurrence fodder toxic infections, but also to protect the person from consumption of products which contain mykotoxics, pesticides, antibiotics and other harmful substances. The further perfection of methods of examination of livestock products – the important perspective problem of veterinary medicine.
Agricultural animals are a source of various biological preparations. It is known, that adequate and effective preparations for use in a medical and veterinary practice can be received only from healthy animals.
It is necessary to recollect and laboratory animals which will make wide use in experimental medicine. On them study spontaneous and experimental new growths, work of artificial heart. Results of researches first of all depend on health of laboratory animals, absence infectious and other illnesses.
Thus, in the long term veterinary-medical problems of healthcare will be the important link of activity of scientists and experts.
The problem of preservation of the environment and fauna is important. Animal industry has sharply put a problem of preservation of the environment, prevention of its pollution by drains of cattle-breeding complexes. Reliable disinfecting, protection of surrounding air pool, a problem of deodorization require the optimum decision.
An important problem is the protection of the environment and wildlife. Livestock industry sharply raised the problem of the protection of the environment, prevention of pollution runoff of livestock farms. Reliable disinfection, protection of ambient air basin, deodorization problems need to be the optimal solution.
Fishes and bees owing to their close communications with an environment of steel as though the indicator of its cleanliness: at pollution of an inhabitancy they are amazed with the first. Therefore for fishes and bees the problem of ecological cleanliness is especially actual.
Protection of wild fauna, as well as some types of animals which one step at a time disappear and occur in zoos, also represents a serious problem. Preventive maintenance of illnesses of wild animals is important also because among them illnesses, dangerous and for from animals are registered.
The great value has activity of veterinary medicine on check on toxicity, teratogenecity,
mutagenecity and carcinogenicity offered for use with an agriculture and animal industries of pesticides, biologically active substances, fodder additives, etc. this work in the long term gets great value as practically we have entered a strip of chemicalization as plant growing, that and animal industries.
In our country we don’t have big problems with epizooties. In spite of tense days of reorganization, veterinary service carries out the national debt absolutely, to what a quiet epizootic situation testifies in a country. But in our country I think that the biggest problem is that veterinary medicine not popular. People very rarity going to be an animal doctor. So I think if we decide this problem we will decide another problems of our veterinary medicine.
In conditions of animal industry special value various aspects ethology– get sciences about behaviour of animals; its studying will help to warn stresses at animals which reduce efficiency, and sometimes assist progress of various illnesses. The knowledge ethology provides the way to establish the optimum sizes of groups of animals at loose their content, ways of feeding and so forth. In animal industry to observe of a condition of an animal practically it is impossible, especially to define temperature of its body, a condition cardiovascular and other systems of an organism.
In conclusionI’d like to say that we always had problems in veterinary medicine and I think that they will be, but degree of this problems will depend on us. Now a lot of animal doctors going to decide this problems, and they knows how to decide them, but they need a time to do it.

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