«Ілгермелі шетел тілі (ағылшын тілі) пәнінің оқулығы «English File Upper-Intermediate» Student's book. 4th edition және «English File Upper-Intermediate. Student's book

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оқулык құрылымы бойынша нұсқаулық

« Ілгермелі шетел тілі (ағылшын тілі) пәнінің оқулығы «English File Upper-Intermediate» Student's book. 4th edition және « English File Upper-Intermediate. Student's book. 4th edition» жұмыс оқулығының құрылымы бойынша нұсқаулық
For students Student’s Book
The Student’s Book has 10 Files. Each File is organized like this: A and B lessons Each File contains two four-page lessons which present and practice Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation with a balance of reading and listening activities, and lots of opportunities for speaking. Every two Files (starting from File 2), the B lesson ends with a Video Listening section. All lessons have clear references to the Grammar Bank, Vocabulary Bank, and where relevant, to the Sound Bank at the back of the book.
Colloquial English Every two Files (starting from File 1) there is a two-page lesson where students develop their ability to listen to authentic English and look at elements of natural language. Integrated into every Colloquial English lesson is an interview with an expert in his / her field, and a conversation.
Revise & Check Every two Files (starting from File 2) there is a two-page section revising the Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation of each File and providing Reading, Listening, and Speaking. The ‘Can you…?’ section challenges students with engaging reading texts and street interview videos, which give students exposure to real-life English.
Online Practice For students to practice and develop their language and skills or catch up on a class they have missed.
• Look again: students can review the language from every lesson.
•Practice: students can develop their skills with extra Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking practice.
• Check your progress: students can test themselves on the main language from the lesson and get instant feedback, and try an extra challenge.
• Interactive video to practice the language from the Colloquial English lessons.
• Sound Bank videos to learn and practice pronunciation of English sounds.
• Resources: All Student’s Book audio, video, scripts, wordlists, dyslexia-friendly texts, and CEFR Language Portfolio.
Workbook For language practice after class.
• All the Grammar, Vocabulary, and Colloquial English
• Pronunciation exercises with audio. The audio can be accessed on Online Practice
• Can you remember...? exercises for students to check their progress
• Available with or without key

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